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Spelling Bee: 'Power and Control' Vocabulary List

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Power and Control
ascendancy, authoritarian, capture, carte-blanche, clout, coerce, commandeer, control, despot, despotic, dictator, dictatorial, diktat, disempower, divest, dominance, dominate, domination, domineer, dominion, empower, forceful, hegemony, imperialism, imperium, impose, independence, independent, influence, influential, jobbery, juggernaut, kingpin, legion, megalomaniac, monopolize, omnipotence, omnipotent, oppression, oppressive, oppressor, oust, overlord, potent, power, powerful, puissant, regal, repressive, stronghold, subjugate, subjugation, supremacy, svengali, territorial, titan, tyrannical, usurp
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