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Same or Different? ACT 10 (American College Testing) Words

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ACT 10 (American College Testing)

accreditation, acquaint, alliance, ambient, amok, appendage, artifact, assortment, bedouin, binge, boulevard, calamity, candidate, canine, compatible, comprise, conclusive, congeal, constitution, credible, criterion, culpable, custody, customize, debilitated, density, disorderly, domicile, emancipate, encroach, enshrine, eventuality, evolution, experienced, exploit, fervent, flaunt, fuse, gaping, genetic, gullible, illuminate, indefinitely, informed, intellectual, interact, juxtaposed, mannequin, miniature, multitude, native, negligence, obesity, obscurity, occupy, omission, paraphernalia, peculiarity, peeved, peripheral, pernickety, promising, prosecute, purge, reverse, robes, skepticism, spirited, splutter, statement, substitute, suggestion, supernatural, tamper, vulgar

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