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Interactive Flashcards: Movement and Flow Words

Capture the dynamics of motion and progression with terms like 'circulate', 'hurtle', and 'meander'. This category is particularly useful for descriptions in physical sciences, sports, and any context involving movement.



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Complete Vocabulary List for Movement and Flow

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actuate, alight, ascend, billow, bolt, brisk, camber, canter, careen, circulate, clamber, contort, convulse, cross, descend, descent, diffuse, disengage, dismount, disperse, displace, drain, flow, flush, flutter, gait, galumph, gliding, gyrate, hasten, hobble, hurtle, hurtling, immobile, inundated, leave, lollop, lumber, lunge, meander, momentum, motion, move, natatorial, proceed, projectile, pulsate, radiate, relocate, revolve, rotate, roving, scale, siphon, skulk, sluice, soar, soaring, spillway, spurt, stagger, stoop, subside, sway, taper, transfer, trickle, vamoose, volant, vortex

Movement and Flow

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