Enhance your ACT readiness with these 75 essential words, from "alternate" to "tenant". Build a robust vocabulary for a higher score!
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Complete Vocabulary List for ACT 5 (American College Testing)
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alternate, altruism, ancestry, annoy, apprehension, ashamed, bespoke, bewilder, carnivore, carpenter, chamber, chivalry, composition, confidential, congruence, crevasse, cryptic, cumulate, deface, defective, despite, dexterity, diagnosis, dilute, dimension, dismayed, dispersed, domestic, dominant, drastic, dubiously, eligible, exclude, exclusive, exemplify, exemption, export, extent, extremity, feminism, flashback, flimsy, idle, incidental, insufficient, interval, invincible, invoice, juncture, lecture, moderator, multiculturalism, narcissism, nauseating, neighboring, opposed, pedigree, perimeter, practitioner, preacher, precision, prophesy, prosperous, pussyfoot, raging, ream, redeem, rotate, satellite, severe, stationary, sterilize, susceptible, sympathy, tenant
ACT 5 (American College Testing)