Master these 75 ACT vocab words to enhance your language skills and boost your test performance! From 'accord' to 'zealot', each word is a step towards success.
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Complete Vocabulary List for ACT 15 (American College Testing)
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accord, acquit, adjacent, affection, affirm, afflict, agrestic, amalgam, anathema, anodyne, asphyxia, avail, avid, belated, bemuse, blasphemy, candid, carriage, chauvinist, confide, confident, consort, contempt, convention, crony, crypt, cryptograph, cynic, deceit, defer, demean, discord, dishevel, dishonor, dodder, dwell, empower, encompass, era, exalt, furor, gall, indefinite, indict, inert, infidel, insurrection, listless, neoliberal, overt, penitent, peril, phonic, predispose, pseudo, pyromania, relent, remnant, repent, replica, revere, rhetoric, rudiment, scintilla, skimp, spat, thrifty, tot, totalitarian, uncanny, vent, vestibule, vigil, vitriol, zealot
ACT 15 (American College Testing)