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How to pronounce zeal (audio)

Dictionary definition of zeal

A strong and passionate enthusiasm or fervor towards a particular goal, cause, or activity.
"His entrepreneurial spirit and zeal led him to establish a successful startup."

Detailed meaning of zeal

It signifies an intense eagerness and dedication that drives individuals to exert great effort and determination in pursuing what they believe in or desire to achieve. Zeal is characterized by a heightened sense of excitement, energy, and commitment, often accompanied by unwavering devotion and a strong sense of purpose. It is a quality that propels individuals to go above and beyond, to overcome obstacles, and to persevere even in the face of challenges. Zeal can be found in various aspects of life, such as personal endeavors, professional pursuits, creative projects, or even in the pursuit of justice or a worthy cause. It embodies a fervent passion that fuels motivation, ignites action, and inspires others to join in the pursuit of excellence.

Example sentences containing zeal

1. She tackled every task with unwavering zeal and determination.
2. The young artist painted with a zeal that was contagious to those around her.
3. The team approached the project with great zeal, working long hours to meet the deadline.
4. The activist spoke with unwavering zeal, advocating for social justice.
5. He pursued his fitness goals with unmatched zeal, pushing himself to new limits.
6. The students tackled the science fair project with enthusiasm and zeal.

History and etymology of zeal

The noun 'zeal' has its roots in the Greek word 'zēlos,' which denoted a passionate or fervent emulation, especially in the pursuit of excellence or competition. In ancient Greece, 'zēlos' was often associated with the competitive spirit, particularly in the realm of sports and intellectual pursuits. As the word journeyed through Latin and later into Old French and Middle English, it retained its core meaning of strong and passionate enthusiasm or fervor. Today, 'zeal' is used to describe a deep and passionate commitment or enthusiasm for a particular goal, cause, or activity, emphasizing the intensity of one's dedication and the driving force behind their actions. The etymology of 'zeal' reflects the enduring recognition of the power of passionate devotion in human endeavors.

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Further usage examples of zeal

1. Her passion for volunteering was fueled by a deep-seated zeal to make a difference.
2. The chef prepared each dish with meticulous attention to detail and a dash of culinary zeal.
3. The speaker captivated the audience with her zeal and charisma.
4. The musician played the piano with an incredible zeal, pouring his heart into every note.
5. The team's zeal for innovation propelled them to develop groundbreaking solutions.
6. His zeal for the environment led him to start a recycling program.
7. The team's zeal for victory was evident in their determination.
8. She approached her work with unwavering zeal and dedication.
9. The volunteers' zeal for helping others was truly inspiring.
10. Their artistic zeal produced a stunning masterpiece.
11. The coach admired the players' zeal on the field.
12. His political zeal motivated him to run for office.
13. The scientist's zeal for discovery led to groundbreaking research.
14. She tackled the project with unparalleled zeal.
15. The students approached the charity fundraiser with great zeal.
16. The entrepreneur's zeal for innovation drove the company's success.
17. His religious zeal was a driving force in his life.
18. Their zeal to make a difference in the community was commendable.
19. The artist's zeal for creativity knew no bounds.
20. The teacher's zeal for education inspired her students.
21. The team's zeal for improving customer service was evident.
22. Her zeal for fitness led to a remarkable transformation.
23. The leader's zeal for justice guided their decisions.
24. The chef's zeal for experimenting with flavors produced unique dishes.
25. His zeal for adventure took him to far-flung corners of the world.

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