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Dictionary definition of yokel
Someone who is considered to be unsophisticated or ignorant, particularly those who come from rural areas.
"The yokel had never seen a skyscraper before and gazed up in wonder."
Detailed meaning of yokel
The word is believed to have originated in England and was used to refer to country folk who were perceived to be simple-minded and uneducated. Over time, the term has taken on a more negative connotation, and is sometimes used as a derogatory insult. It can also be associated with people who are seen as being overly naive or unsophisticated in their thinking and behavior. While the term is often used in a derogatory way, it's important to remember that it's not necessarily an accurate reflection of a person's intelligence or worth as an individual.
Example sentences containing yokel
1. The city folk unfairly stereotyped him as a yokel because of his rural roots.
2. He may look like a yokel, but his knowledge about nature is unparalleled.
3. The character in the movie played the part of a yokel with a hidden talent.
4. As a proud yokel, he stood up for his rural community in the face of urban criticism.
5. The yokel's simple wisdom often outshone the complex theories of the educated elites.
6. His portrayal of a yokel was so convincing that audiences were taken by surprise.
History and etymology of yokel
The noun 'yokel' has its roots in Middle English and is believed to have originated from the word 'yoke,' which referred to a wooden bar or frame used to harness oxen or other draft animals. This term became associated with rural life and agriculture. Over time, 'yokel' evolved to describe individuals living in rural areas, often engaged in agricultural work. The implication of 'yokel' being someone unsophisticated or ignorant likely arose from stereotypes of rural life as simple and unrefined compared to urban settings. Thus, the etymology of 'yokel' reflects the historical connection between rural labor, simplicity, and the perception of unsophistication, even though it is essential to recognize that such stereotypes do not accurately represent the diversity of rural communities and their inhabitants.
Further usage examples of yokel
1. The city slicker and the yokel found common ground in their love for music.
2. She was no yokel; she could hold her own in any intellectual conversation.
3. The author used the character of a yokel to criticize the arrogance of urban society.
4. The comedian's yokel persona was endearing to audiences, making him a favorite.
5. From yokel to hero, his story captured the nation's imagination.
6. The seemingly naive yokel outsmarted the sophisticated con artist.
7. He was deemed a yokel due to his accent, but he was a sharp and resourceful individual.
8. His performance as a yokel in the play drew laughter and applause.
9. The savvy yokel managed to build a successful business from his farm.
10. The film is a heartwarming tale of a yokel turned music sensation.
11. The journalist unfairly portrayed the farmer as a yokel, ignoring his expertise and knowledge.
12. The city dwellers underestimated the yokel, who quickly proved them wrong.
13. The local yokel shared tales of their community, capturing the heart and soul of their rural life.
14. Despite his yokel roots, he rose to become a respected figure in the world of academia.
15. The city dwellers often looked down upon the yokel from the countryside.
16. The yokel's naïveté and lack of sophistication made him an easy target for manipulation.,,
Deficiency and Shortage, Common and Ordinary, Naivety and Stupidity
Synonyms for yokel
Quiz categories containing yokel
bumpkin, cosmopolitan, urbanite, sophisticate