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How to pronounce worthless (audio)

Dictionary definition of worthless

Lacking value, importance, or significance.
"She couldn't help but feel worthless after receiving constant criticism from her supervisor."

Detailed meaning of worthless

It conveys the idea of being utterly without worth or usefulness. When something is deemed worthless, it is considered to have no practical or desirable qualities, and it is seen as having no positive impact or benefit. Similarly, when referring to a person as worthless, it suggests that they are of no value or merit. The term "worthless" is often associated with feelings of disappointment, frustration, or contempt, as it implies a deep sense of inadequacy or insignificance. It highlights the absence of worth or the inability to contribute meaningfully in a particular context or situation.

Example sentences containing worthless

1. The broken toy was now deemed worthless and destined for the trash.
2. Despite his efforts, he felt worthless as he struggled to find a job.
3. The counterfeit painting turned out to be worthless, lacking any artistic value.
4. The scam promised great riches but ultimately left its victims with worthless investments.
5. The worn-out furniture was deemed worthless and replaced with new pieces.
6. The abandoned house stood as a haunting reminder of its once vibrant but now worthless state.

History and etymology of worthless

The adjective 'worthless' is formed by adding the suffix '-less' to the word 'worth,' which has its origins in Old English 'weorþ,' signifying value or merit. When combined with '-less,' it creates a word that conveys the absence of value, importance, or significance. Therefore, 'worthless' describes something that lacks worth or merit, emphasizing its lack of value or utility. The etymology of 'worthless' underscores the idea that it represents something without worth or value, highlighting its inherent insignificance or lack of importance.

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Further usage examples of worthless

1. The con artist sold worthless products to unsuspecting customers.
2. The thief stole a bag filled with worthless trinkets and cheap jewelry.
3. The vandal defaced the monument, rendering it a worthless piece of stone.
4. The stock market crash left many investors with portfolios full of worthless stocks.
5. The broken promises and empty apologies made her feel like their relationship was worthless.
6. The antique vase turned out to be a worthless replica.
7. His deceitful actions rendered his promises worthless.
8. The broken heirloom had sentimental value but was now worthless.
9. The expired gift card had become completely worthless.
10. The outdated software was practically worthless to users.
11. The counterfeit currency was utterly and dangerously worthless.
12. Her constant lies made her credibility entirely worthless.
13. The shoddy craftsmanship made the furniture feel worthless.
14. The stolen data on the corrupted hard drive was now worthless.
15. The damaged artwork had once been valuable but was now worthless.
16. Their worthless arguments only led to more confusion.
17. The abandoned property had become a worthless eyesore.
18. His expired contract made his services virtually worthless.
19. The false accusations left her reputation feeling worthless.
20. The faulty product was disappointingly worthless.
21. The empty words in the apology letter felt utterly worthless.
22. The worn-out textbook was now practically worthless.
23. The outdated equipment had become functionally worthless.
24. The expired medication was potentially harmful and worthless.
25. The discredited theory was no longer considered valuable but worthless.

Suffix -less, High School 18, TOEFL 13, Ineffectual and Obsolete



valueless, valuable, precious, priceless


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