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Dictionary definition of vulgar
Crude, coarse, or lacking in refinement.
"The comedian's jokes were often vulgar and crossed the line of decency."
Detailed meaning of vulgar
It refers to behavior, language, or actions that are considered offensive, indecent, or inappropriate within the context of social norms and standards. When something is described as vulgar, it often implies a lack of taste, elegance, or sophistication. Vulgar language, for example, consists of words or expressions that are considered vulgar in nature, using explicit or offensive terms. Similarly, vulgar behavior may involve actions that are considered vulgar or lewd, disregarding commonly accepted standards of decency. Overall, the term "vulgar" denotes a quality or characteristic that is considered low-class, offensive, or unsophisticated in society.
Example sentences containing vulgar
1. His vulgar language offended everyone in the room.
2. She was appalled by the vulgar graffiti sprayed on the wall.
3. The movie's explicit scenes and vulgar humor made it unsuitable for children.
4. The talk show host was criticized for making vulgar comments about his guests.
5. The artist's work was deemed vulgar due to its graphic and provocative nature.
6. The professor reprimanded the student for using vulgar language in the classroom.
History and etymology of vulgar
The adjective 'vulgar' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'vulgaris,' which means 'common' or 'ordinary.' In Latin, 'vulgaris' was used to describe things that were typical or characteristic of the common people as opposed to the elite or cultured classes. Over time, the term 'vulgar' evolved in English to take on a more negative connotation, describing things that are crude, coarse, or lacking in refinement. It suggests a departure from accepted standards of taste and decorum, often associated with behaviors or language considered to be in poor taste. The etymology of 'vulgar' underscores its historical connection to the common and ordinary, with a shift in meaning over time to describe things that are considered unsophisticated or indecorous in nature.
Further usage examples of vulgar
1. The fashion designer shocked the audience with a collection featuring vulgar and revealing outfits.
2. The gossip magazine is known for publishing vulgar stories about celebrities.
3. The politician's vulgar behavior during the debate tarnished his reputation.
4. The lyrics of the song were considered vulgar and were banned from the radio.
5. She walked out of the theater in disgust after witnessing a vulgar and offensive performance.
6. His vulgar jokes offended everyone at the dinner party.
7. The graffiti on the wall was full of vulgar language.
8. She found his vulgar behavior embarrassing in public.
9. The movie's vulgar humor didn't appeal to everyone.
10. The comedian's performance was filled with vulgar innuendos.
11. The magazine's cover featured a vulgar and provocative image.
12. His vulgar comments about women were completely inappropriate.
13. The song's lyrics were criticized for their vulgar content.
14. The comedian's vulgar humor was a hit with the audience.
15. The sitcom relied on vulgar humor for its laughs.
16. The graffiti artist's work was often vulgar in nature.
17. The use of vulgar language in the film shocked viewers.
18. His vulgar gestures drew disapproving glances from others.
19. The play's script contained numerous vulgar references.
20. The comedian's vulgar jokes pushed the boundaries of taste.
21. She was taken aback by his vulgar and offensive remarks.
22. The online forum was filled with vulgar and offensive posts.
23. The book was criticized for its vulgar and explicit content.
24. The comedy club was known for its vulgar stand-up acts.
25. His vulgar sense of humor didn't align with her values.,,
ACT 10 (American College Testing), High School 8, Rudeness and Unrefined
Synonyms for vulgar
Quiz categories containing vulgar
coarse, refined, cultured, sophisticated