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Suffix -ant, SAT 3 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 14, Movement and Flow




airborne, grounded, immobile, earthbound

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Dictionary definition of volant

Capable of flying or has the ability to move through the air.
"The delicate butterfly displayed its volant beauty as it flitted from flower to flower."

Detailed meaning of volant

It is typically used to describe creatures or objects that possess wings or wing-like structures, allowing them to glide, hover, or soar in the sky. When applied to animals, such as birds or insects, "volant" emphasizes their aerial capabilities and their adaptation for flight. In the context of heraldry, "volant" is used to depict a creature or an object in a flying or soaring position. The term "volant" conveys a sense of freedom, grace, and agility associated with airborne movement, highlighting the dynamic and ethereal nature of creatures or objects that can navigate the skies.

Example sentences containing volant

1. The volant eagle gracefully soared through the sky, its wings outstretched.
2. The dragon in the fantasy novel was depicted with volant wings, capable of carrying it across vast distances.
3. The kite danced in the wind, its volant movements captivating onlookers.
4. The bat's volant nature allowed it to effortlessly navigate through the darkness of the night.
5. The angel statue appeared as if frozen in mid-volant, its wings elegantly extended.
6. The airplane took off with a powerful engine roar, leaving the ground for a volant journey through the clouds.

History and etymology of volant

The adjective 'volant' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'volans,' which is the present participle of 'volare,' meaning 'to fly.' In Latin, 'volans' referred to something that is flying or capable of flight. Over time, this term was adapted into English as 'volant,' retaining its original sense of being capable of flying or having the ability to move through the air. 'Volant' is often used in ornithology and zoology to describe animals or creatures that are adapted for flight, such as birds and bats. The etymology of 'volant' reflects its connection to the concept of flight and the ability to move gracefully through the air.

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Further usage examples of volant

1. The seagulls glided in volant formation along the shoreline, their cries echoing in the breeze.
2. The superhero's volant abilities enabled them to fly swiftly above the city, keeping watch for any signs of trouble.
3. The hang glider enjoyed the sensation of volant flight, feeling as if they were a part of the sky.
4. The paper airplane sailed through the air in a volant trajectory, propelled by a gentle flick of the wrist.
5. The paraglider's volant adventure allowed them to appreciate the breathtaking views from high above the mountains.
6. The volant eagle soared gracefully above the canyon.
7. Owls are known for their volant and silent hunting style.
8. The kite's volant design made it easy to fly in the breeze.
9. Bats are fascinating creatures with their volant abilities.
10. The dragonfly's volant maneuvers amazed onlookers.
11. The hummingbird's volant agility was a marvel to witness.
12. A volant aircraft streaked across the clear blue sky.
13. Butterflies exhibit their volant beauty in gardens.
14. Drones have become increasingly volant in recent years.
15. The pilot expertly handled the volant helicopter.
16. The peregrine falcon is the world's fastest volant bird.
17. Paragliding offers a unique volant experience.
18. Hang gliders enjoy the freedom of volant exploration.
19. The hot air balloon's volant journey provided breathtaking views.
20. Seagulls are well-known for their volant coastal presence.
21. A paper plane's volant journey across the classroom thrilled the children.
22. The seaplane made a smooth volant landing on the water.
23. Gliding through the air, the frisbee showed its volant nature.
24. The geese honked loudly during their volant migration.
25. The remote-controlled volant toy delighted children at the park.

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