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How to pronounce unmitigated (audio)
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Dictionary definition of unmitigated

Complete, absolute, or without any qualifications or limitations.
"The company's unmitigated commitment to quality led to its rapid growth in the market."

Detailed meaning of unmitigated

It can be used to describe an event or situation that is total and without any exceptions, such as an unmitigated disaster or an unmitigated success. It can also be used to describe an emotion or a feeling that is intense, strong and without any reservation, such as unmitigated anger or unmitigated joy. The term can also be used to describe something that is bad or negative, and that has no redeeming qualities or positive aspects, such as unmitigated evil or unmitigated nonsense. In general, unmitigated refers to something that is complete, absolute and without any qualifications or limitations.

Example sentences containing unmitigated

1. The failure of the project was an unmitigated disaster, with no silver lining to be found.
2. Her unmitigated enthusiasm for the concert was contagious, spreading excitement to everyone around her.
3. The film's unmitigated success at the box office surprised even the most optimistic critics.
4. The storm brought unmitigated chaos to the city, causing widespread damage and disruption.
5. His unmitigated arrogance alienated him from his colleagues and hindered teamwork.
6. The unmitigated joy on her face when she received the award was heartwarming to witness.

History and etymology of unmitigated

The adjective 'unmitigated' has an interesting etymology that sheds light on its meaning. It traces its origins to the Latin word 'mitigare,' which means 'to soften' or 'to make mild.' The prefix 'un-' in English typically signifies negation or reversal, so when combined with 'mitigated,' it forms 'unmitigated,' conveying the idea of something not softened or made milder. Over time, this term evolved to describe something that is complete, absolute, or lacking any qualifications or limitations, emphasizing its unaltered, unadulterated nature. Thus, the etymology of 'unmitigated' provides a clear link between its historical roots and its contemporary meaning of sheer intensity or unqualified magnitude.

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Further usage examples of unmitigated

1. The unmitigated beauty of the sunset over the ocean left everyone in awe.
2. The consequences of their unmitigated negligence resulted in a massive environmental disaster.
3. Her unmitigated determination to overcome challenges inspired others to do the same.
4. The party's unmitigated extravagance left them with a massive credit card bill.
5. The athlete's unmitigated effort in the final sprint secured a well-deserved victory.
6. The unmitigated anger in his voice showed that he was deeply frustrated with the situation.
7. The diplomat's unmitigated diplomacy skillfully resolved the tense negotiation.
8. The unmitigated support from her family gave her the strength to pursue her dreams.
9. The company's unmitigated growth raised concerns about its environmental impact.
10. The unmitigated audacity of his proposal shocked even the most daring of his peers.
11. The unmitigated loyalty of the dog to its owner was truly heartwarming.
12. The unmitigated success of the charity event raised a substantial amount of money for the cause.
13. The comedian's unmitigated humor had the entire audience laughing uncontrollably.
14. The unmitigated success of their project left everyone in awe.
15. Her unmitigated enthusiasm for the project was contagious.
16. The storm's unmitigated fury wreaked havoc on the coastal town.
17. The comedian's unmitigated humor had the audience roaring with laughter.
18. His unmitigated commitment to the cause was truly inspiring.
19. The film's unmitigated brilliance earned it numerous awards.
20. Their unmitigated dedication to customer satisfaction set a new standard.
21. The unmitigated beauty of the sunset took our breath away.
22. Despite the challenges, his unmitigated optimism remained unshaken.
23. The unmitigated chaos at the event was unexpected and overwhelming.
24. Her unmitigated kindness touched the hearts of everyone she met.

absolute, mitigated, partial, limited

SAT 20 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 6, Success and Achievement




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