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Dictionary definition of unmarried
Not legally or formally married.
"The unmarried couple decided to live together before getting married."
Detailed meaning of unmarried
It describes someone who has not entered into a marital relationship or who is not currently in a state of matrimony. The term signifies a person's single status with regard to marriage, indicating that they are not bound by the legal and social obligations that typically accompany being wed. Being unmarried can encompass a variety of circumstances, including individuals who have never been married, those who are divorced or widowed, or those who have chosen not to marry. The adjective underscores the absence of a spousal union, highlighting the individual's independent and unmarried status in relation to the institution of marriage.
Example sentences containing unmarried
1. Sarah, an unmarried woman in her thirties, focused on her career and personal growth.
2. Being unmarried, Mark enjoyed the freedom to travel and explore different cultures.
3. Jane's unmarried status allowed her to pursue her dreams without any constraints.
4. The church prohibited unmarried individuals from participating in certain religious ceremonies.
5. Despite her family's expectations, Maria remained unmarried and chose to dedicate herself to charity work.
6. The company policy provided additional benefits for unmarried employees.
History and etymology of unmarried
The adjective 'unmarried' can be dissected into its root word, 'married.' In this term, the prefix 'un-' is used to negate or reverse the quality of being 'married.' 'Married' has its origins in the Old English word 'mǣgden,' which means 'a woman' or 'maiden.' It is related to 'mǣge,' meaning 'relative' or 'kinsman,' reflecting the idea of entering into a new kinship or family through marriage. Over time, 'married' evolved in the English language to describe individuals who are legally or formally joined in matrimony. Consequently, 'unmarried' signifies the opposite, denoting individuals who are not legally or formally married, often indicating their single or unattached status. Its etymology is deeply rooted in the historical development of 'married' and the use of 'un-' to convey the absence of a formal marital bond.
Further usage examples of unmarried
1. Being unmarried, John had the flexibility to relocate for his new job opportunity.
2. Anna, an unmarried mother, worked hard to provide a stable environment for her child.
3. The legal system treated married couples differently than unmarried couples in matters of inheritance.
4. Unmarried individuals often face societal pressures to conform to the traditional concept of marriage.
5. The government introduced tax incentives for unmarried couples in order to promote equal treatment.
6. Many unmarried couples choose to cohabitate before marriage.
7. She's a successful, unmarried businesswoman in her 40s.
8. They've been living together for years as an unmarried couple.
9. The inheritance went to her unmarried son.
10. He remained unmarried throughout his entire life.
11. Unmarried individuals often face unique financial challenges.
12. Being unmarried doesn't define one's worth or happiness.
13. She's an unmarried mother raising two wonderful kids.
14. Unmarried couples enjoy the freedom of not sharing assets.
15. The survey explored the preferences of unmarried millennials.
16. An increasing number of people are choosing to remain unmarried.
17. Unmarried partners share a strong bond built on trust.
18. They're planning to have a child as an unmarried couple.
19. Her unmarried status doesn't affect her career success.
20. The legal rights of unmarried couples vary by jurisdiction.
21. Unmarried individuals can still have fulfilling family lives.
22. She's an accomplished, unmarried scientist renowned in her field.
23. Unmarried couples often face societal pressures to wed.
24. Their commitment as an unmarried pair is unwavering.
25. Unmarried partners cherish their independence and autonomy.,,
TOEFL 2, High School 14, Family and Relationships
Synonyms for unmarried
Quiz categories containing unmarried
single, married, wedded, espoused