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Dictionary definition of uniform
Consistent, unvarying, or unchanging in form, style, or composition.
"She sliced the vegetables into uniform pieces so that they would cook evenly."
Detailed meaning of uniform
It describes objects, garments, or systems that adhere to a standard pattern or design, ensuring a consistent and recognizable appearance. When something is uniform, it means that it displays a uniformity of characteristics or features throughout, without notable differences or variations. This term is commonly used in various contexts, such as uniforms worn by members of a particular organization or profession, where a standardized outfit helps establish a sense of identity and cohesion. It can also refer to consistent or standardized procedures, regulations, or measurements that ensure consistency and fairness. The concept of uniformity conveys a sense of order, equality, and conformity, emphasizing the absence of individuality or distinctiveness within a given context.
Example sentences containing uniform
1. The soldiers marched in perfect alignment, wearing crisp, uniform attire.
2. She carefully arranged the cupcakes in a uniform pattern on the tray.
3. The new company policy dictates a strict, uniform dress code for all employees.
4. Despite her efforts, the thickness of the paint on the canvas was not uniform.
5. He adjusted the microscope until the illumination was uniform across the specimen.
6. The students looked smart in their uniform school outfits on the first day of class.
History and etymology of uniform
The adjective 'uniform' has its origins in the Latin word 'uniformis,' which combines 'uni-' (meaning 'one') and 'formis' (meaning 'form' or 'shape'). This Latin term essentially means 'having one form' or 'being the same in form.' Over time, 'uniform' evolved in the English language to describe something that is consistent, unvarying, or unchanging in form, style, or composition. It often refers to clothing or attire that is standardized for a particular group or profession, emphasizing a sense of equality and conformity in appearance. The etymology of 'uniform' reflects its fundamental concept of uniformity and consistency, where 'uni-' signifies oneness or sameness and 'formis' underscores the aspect of form or appearance.
Further usage examples of uniform
1. We spread the seeds in the garden bed to ensure a uniform distribution.
2. The fabric’s uniform texture felt soft and smooth against her skin.
3. The football team revealed their new uniform design, which received mixed reviews from the fans.
4. The choir's uniform harmony and rhythm captivated the audience throughout the performance.
5. A uniform magnetic field was crucial for the precision of the scientific experiment.
6. The soldiers wore crisp, uniform attire for the parade.
7. The bakery's cookies had a uniform size and shape.
8. The team's performance showed a uniform improvement.
9. The landscape had a uniform coating of freshly fallen snow.
10. Her handwriting was uniform, neat, and easy to read.
11. The classroom's rows of desks were uniformly arranged.
12. The factory produced uniform batches of high-quality products.
13. The dancers moved in perfect, uniform synchronization.
14. The software update aimed to provide a uniform user experience.
15. The restaurant maintained a uniform standard of cleanliness.
16. The orchestra's musicians wore uniform attire for the concert.
17. The athlete's training regimen led to uniform progress.
18. The company enforced a uniform dress code for employees.
19. The field displayed a uniform distribution of wildflowers.
20. The town's architecture had a uniform colonial style.
21. The company achieved uniform success across all branches.
22. The textbook had a uniform layout for easy navigation.
23. The store's shelves displayed a uniform arrangement of products.
24. The artist painted a series of uniform, abstract patterns.
25. The students wore uniform school uniforms every day.,,
Accuracy and Precision, Nuance and Precision, Uniformity and Consistency
Synonyms for uniform
Quiz categories containing uniform
consistent, varied, diverse, inconsistent