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Dictionary definition of unchaste
Not pure or moral when it comes to sexual behavior or conduct.
"She was criticized for her unchaste behavior in public."
Detailed meaning of unchaste
The adjective "unchaste" is used to describe someone or something that is It implies a lack of chastity or modesty, and can suggest a tendency towards promiscuity or sexual impropriety. For example, an unchaste person might engage in extramarital affairs or casual sexual encounters, or dress in a way that is deliberately provocative or suggestive. The term "unchaste" can also be used to describe an atmosphere or environment that is characterized by a lack of sexual propriety or restraint. Overall, the term "unchaste" suggests a lack of sexual morality or purity, often associated with a disregard for social norms or expectations.
Example sentences containing unchaste
1. The novel is banned in some countries due to its unchaste content.
2. He accused her of being unchaste and ended their relationship.
3. The priest preached against unchaste thoughts and actions during his sermon.
4. The scandalous photos caused a stir due to their unchaste nature.
5. She felt ashamed of her unchaste past and vowed to change her ways.
6. The conservative society frowned upon unchaste behavior.
History and etymology of unchaste
The adjective 'unchaste' can be broken down into two parts: 'un,' which serves as a negation or reversal, and 'chaste,' which comes from the Old French word 'chaste' and ultimately from the Latin 'castus,' meaning 'pure' or 'morally pure.' Therefore, the etymology of 'unchaste' essentially signifies the absence of purity or moral purity, particularly in the context of sexual behavior or conduct. It denotes actions or behaviors that are not in alignment with traditional notions of purity or moral uprightness, often carrying a connotation of immodesty or immorality in matters of sexuality.
Further usage examples of unchaste
1. The play was criticized for its unchaste language and themes.
2. The unchaste rumors about her led to her reputation being tarnished.
3. The unchaste behavior of the characters in the movie was deemed inappropriate for younger audiences.
4. She refused to engage in unchaste behavior despite the pressure from her peers.
5. The court found him guilty of unchaste conduct and sentenced him accordingly.
6. The scandalous affair exposed his unchaste and reckless behavior, tarnishing his reputation irreparably.
7. Her unchaste actions led to a relentless cycle of gossip and judgment within the close-knit community.
8. The movie delved deep into the world of unchaste desires, exploring the consequences of forbidden passion.
9. His relentless and unchaste advances crossed boundaries, causing her to question their friendship.
10. The novel courageously examined the complexities of unchaste love, challenging societal norms.
11. She made the difficult choice to distance herself from unchaste friends, opting for a more virtuous path.
12. The community was scandalized by the unchaste behavior that defied their conservative values.
13. The lyrics of the song were filled with unchaste innuendos, leaving little to the imagination.
14. His unchaste intentions were blatantly obvious from the very beginning of their interaction.
15. The play's central themes revolved around the tangled web of unchaste relationships and their consequences.
16. The artist's work provocatively explored the passionate yet unchaste side of human nature.
17. Her unchaste past continued to haunt her in the unforgiving glare of the public eye.
18. The tabloid delighted in sensationalizing unchaste celebrity scandals, feeding off society's fascination.
19. The notorious party was infamous for its unchaste atmosphere, drawing thrill-seekers and scandal-lovers.
20. Unchaste conversations filled the room, making her yearn for more meaningful interactions.
21. The explicit content of the movie earned it an adult rating, leaving no room for younger viewers.
22. She courageously distanced herself from the unchaste lifestyle that had once ensnared her.
23. The unchaste allegations against the politician sparked a firestorm of controversy and investigation.
24. The consequences of their unchaste conduct were profound, leading to a strained and fractured friendship.
25. The theater production served as a cautionary tale, highlighting the devastating repercussions of unchaste behavior on individuals and society.,,
SAT 9 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Passion and Pulchritude, Love and Sex
Synonyms for unchaste
Quiz categories containing unchaste
immoral, virtuous, chaste, pure