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Dictionary definition of unabating

Continuing or persisting without weakening or diminishing in intensity, strength, or force.
"Her passion for art remained unabating, fueling her creative endeavors."

Detailed meaning of unabating

It suggests a state of relentless and unwavering continuation, displaying a consistent and unceasing nature. When something is unabating, it remains constant and unyielding over time, without showing signs of decline, decrease, or relenting. This term is often used to describe conditions, phenomena, or actions that maintain their vigor, power, or impact without faltering or losing momentum. Whether it refers to unceasing efforts, unwavering determination, or a sustained level of energy, unabating signifies an enduring quality that persists and remains strong, refusing to wane or diminish. It conveys a sense of unwavering persistence and enduring endurance that persists over a prolonged period, displaying an unyielding nature.

Example sentences containing unabating

1. The storm continued with unabating strength, causing widespread damage.
2. Despite the challenges, his enthusiasm for learning remained unabating.
3. The protest continued unabating, demanding justice and change.
4. The athlete's determination to win was unabating; he pushed himself to the limit.
5. The teacher's dedication to her students was unabating; she tirelessly supported their growth.
6. The popularity of the band was unabating, with fans flocking to their concerts.

History and etymology of unabating

The adjective 'unabating' is formed by combining the prefix 'un-' and the verb 'abate.' 'Un-' is a negating prefix, indicating the absence or reversal of a particular quality or action. 'Abate,' in turn, comes from the Old French word 'abatre,' which means 'to beat down' or 'to reduce in intensity.' The word 'abate' has its roots in the Latin 'ad battuere,' which means 'to beat' or 'to strike.' When 'un-' is added to 'abate,' it forms 'unabating,' signifying the absence of a decrease or weakening in intensity, strength, or force. This adjective aptly describes something that continues or persists with undiminished vigor and power, emphasizing its unceasing and relentless nature.

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Further usage examples of unabating

1. The entrepreneur's drive to succeed was unabating, even in the face of adversity.
2. The conflict between the two nations showed unabating tension.
3. The author's creativity seemed unabating, as they continued to publish captivating stories.
4. The traffic congestion in the city remained unabating, causing daily frustration for commuters.
5. The demand for the new product was unabating, leading to sold-out stocks.
6. The marathon runner's pace was unabating, maintaining a steady speed throughout the race.
7. The wildfire spread with unabating speed, posing a threat to nearby communities.
8. The singer's popularity showed unabating growth, attracting a larger fan base.
9. The heatwave continued unabating, breaking temperature records.
10. The team's commitment to excellence was unabating, leading them to consecutive victories.
11. The passion between the two lovers was unabating, growing stronger each day.
12. The volunteers' dedication to the cause was unabating, putting in long hours of work.
13. The market demand for sustainable products showed unabating growth, reflecting a shift in consumer preferences.
14. The storm's unabating fury left a trail of destruction in its wake.
15. His passion for music showed unabating enthusiasm year after year.
16. The athlete's dedication to training remained unabating despite setbacks.
17. The teacher's commitment to her students' success was unabating.
18. In the face of adversity, her unwavering courage remained unabating.
19. The market's volatility showed no signs of unabating uncertainty.
20. The child's curiosity and wonder for the world were unabating.
21. Despite the challenges, their love for each other was unabating.
22. The wildfire's unabating spread posed a serious threat to the community.
23. The protest continued with unabating energy, demanding change.
24. His generosity towards others remained unabating, even in difficult times.

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