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Dictionary definition of token
Done or given as a symbolic gesture, rather than as a serious or genuine effort.
"The government's new policy was seen as a token gesture to address the issue."
Detailed meaning of token
For example, a token gesture of apology might be given when someone doesn't truly feel remorseful, or a token payment might be made when the full amount owed is not paid. In this context, token can have a negative connotation, as it implies that the action or offering is insincere or inadequate.
Additionally, token can also refer to something that is chosen or included to represent a certain group or category, rather than for its own merit. For example, a token minority hire would be someone who is chosen for a job only because of their race or ethnicity, rather than because of their qualifications or experience. In this context, token can also have a negative connotation, as it implies that the person or thing is being used as a symbol rather than being truly valued or respected.
In a broader sense, token can also imply something that is included or done in small quantity or numbers, which is not sufficient to achieve a goal.
Overall, the adjective token is used to describe something that is done or given symbolically, rather than with genuine effort, or to describe something that is chosen or included only as a symbol or representation of a group, rather than for its own merit.
Example sentences containing token
1. He made a token effort to clean his room, but it was still a mess.
2. She gave a token nod of approval, but didn't seem genuinely pleased.
3. The company donated a token amount of money to the local charity.
4. The politician's apology was viewed as a token gesture to save face.
5. The manager made a token attempt to address the employees' concerns, but nothing changed.
6. The company offered a token discount to appease the unhappy customer.
History and etymology of token
The adjective 'token' has its etymological roots in Middle English. It is derived from the Old English word 'tācn,' which meant 'sign' or 'symbol.' In its original sense, a 'token' was a visible sign or representation of something, often carrying symbolic meaning. Over time, as the word transitioned into Middle English, it came to be associated with something done or given as a symbolic gesture rather than a serious or genuine effort. This transformation reflects the idea that a 'token' gesture is symbolic and may not carry the full weight or sincerity of a more substantial action. The etymology of 'token' thus captures its historical evolution from a symbol to a superficial or symbolic act or gesture.
Further usage examples of token
1. The professor gave a token acknowledgement to the student's question, but didn't elaborate.
2. The couple exchanged token gifts for their anniversary, but they didn't have much meaning.
3. The charity event was criticized for being a token effort to improve the organization's image.
4. The CEO's public apology was seen as a token gesture to placate the angry shareholders.
5. The manager's response was a token attempt to resolve the issue, but it wasn't enough.
6. His apology seemed like a mere token, lacking sincerity.
7. She received a small token gift to mark the occasion.
8. The token donation did little to address the issue.
9. They made token efforts to appear inclusive but fell short.
10. His support was only a token gesture, lacking substance.
11. A token presence at the event left many unsatisfied.
12. The symbolic change amounted to a mere token of progress.
13. They assigned him a token role in the project, limiting his impact.
14. She offered only a token acknowledgment of their contributions.
15. Token applause greeted his underwhelming performance.
16. The bonus felt more like a token reward than genuine recognition.
17. A token response to the crisis left many feeling neglected.
18. Their token commitment to sustainability was insufficient for real change.
19. A token effort won't effectively solve the complex problem.
20. The token endorsement added little credibility to their cause.
21. They offered only token resistance to the new policy.
22. The token representation on the committee failed to reflect diversity.
23. His token attempt at reconciliation did little to mend the rift.
24. They provided token support for the community project, which needed more.
25. A token apology won't be enough to repair the damaged relationship.,,,
Suffix -en, ACT 3 (American College Testing), High School 1, Guile and Manipulation
Synonyms for token
Quiz categories containing token
symbolic, substantial, significant, serious