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Dictionary definition of surreptitious
Done secretly or covertly, in order to avoid detection or avoid drawing attention to oneself.
"The surreptitious recording of the conversation was later used as evidence in court."
Detailed meaning of surreptitious
It is done in a stealthy or sneaky way, without being seen or noticed. It also can refer to something that is done in a sneaky way, in order to achieve a goal, or to do something that is not allowed, or is not supposed to be done. The actions of a surreptitious person are usually done in secret, with the intent of not being noticed, or not being found out. It can also refer to a person who is prone to act in this way, or an object or thing that is obtained or done in a surreptitious way.
Example sentences containing surreptitious
1. The surreptitious glance at the exam paper was quickly noticed by the teacher.
2. He gave a surreptitious glance towards the door to ensure no one was watching.
3. Her surreptitious movements made me suspicious of her intentions.
4. We made a surreptitious exit while everyone else was distracted by the fireworks.
5. His surreptitious whispers during the meeting made everyone uneasy.
6. She slipped a surreptitious note into my hand during the party.
History and etymology of surreptitious
The adjective 'surreptitious' has its etymological origins in the Latin word 'surrepticius,' which is derived from 'surreptus,' the past participle of 'surrepere,' meaning 'to creep secretly' or 'to steal in stealthily.' Therefore, 'surreptitious' etymologically conveys the idea of actions carried out in a secretive or stealthy manner, often with the intent to avoid detection or to prevent drawing attention to oneself. The term 'surreptitious' emphasizes the element of stealth and concealment, reflecting actions that are done quietly or covertly, as if one were figuratively creeping in the shadows to achieve a hidden objective. Its etymology underscores the notion of actions taken with great care to remain unnoticed or unobserved.
Further usage examples of surreptitious
1. Despite his surreptitious efforts, his surprise was discovered.
2. They exchanged surreptitious smiles across the crowded room.
3. He took a surreptitious sip of the forbidden soda while his mother was cooking.
4. Her surreptitious investigation revealed the truth about the scam.
5. He managed to snap a few surreptitious photos during the confidential meeting.
6. The spy was known for his surreptitious and effective methods.
7. I noticed his surreptitious entry into the room out of the corner of my eye.
8. Her surreptitious gathering of information raised many eyebrows.
9. He cast a surreptitious look at the clock during the test.
10. The boy took a surreptitious peek at his Christmas presents.
11. Their surreptitious relationship was hidden from their disapproving parents.
12. She had a surreptitious habit of eavesdropping on her neighbors.
13. Their surreptitious plan to prank their teacher was successful.
14. He made a surreptitious attempt to cheat on the exam.
15. Despite the surreptitious nature of their mission, they were caught on security cameras.
16. The surreptitious meeting was held in secret to avoid detection.
17. He made a surreptitious entry into the building to avoid the security guards.
18. The surreptitious nature of the transaction made us suspect that something was not right.
19. She made a surreptitious exit from the party when she realized she was not welcome.
20. The surreptitious camera was discovered hidden in the conference room.
21. The surreptitious manner in which the information was obtained raised suspicions of espionage.
22. The surreptitious search of the suspect's home revealed incriminating evidence.
23. He was a private investigator particularly adept at taking surreptitious pictures of adulterous couples.
24. The surreptitious removal of the documents from the office went unnoticed.
25. The surreptitious installation of the software on the company's computers was a violation of company policy.
26. The surreptitious behavior of the employee was reported to the management by his colleagues.,,
GRE 1 (Graduate Record Examination), Insight and Intrigue, Dishonesty and Concealment
Synonyms for surreptitious
Quiz categories containing surreptitious
covert, open, overt, public