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How to pronounce substantial (audio)
The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook

Dictionary definition of substantial

Considerable in size, amount, or importance.
"The company experienced substantial growth in its sales revenue this quarter."

Detailed meaning of substantial

When used to describe an object or physical entity, it suggests that it possesses significant mass, weight, or dimensions. For example, a substantial meal might indicate a large and filling portion of food. In terms of quantity, a substantial amount signifies a considerable or noteworthy volume or number. Furthermore, when discussing the importance or impact of something, substantial implies that it is significant, meaningful, or influential. It indicates that the subject matter carries weight and is worthy of attention or consideration. Overall, "substantial" conveys the idea of something being substantial in size, amount, or significance, highlighting its considerable nature or impact.

Example sentences containing substantial

1. She was awarded a substantial scholarship for her academic achievements.
2. The chef prepared a substantial feast for the guests, featuring multiple courses.
3. The researchers found substantial evidence supporting their hypothesis.
4. Despite the economic downturn, he managed to accumulate a substantial amount of savings.
5. The construction project required a substantial investment of both time and money.
6. The company made substantial improvements to its production process, resulting in higher efficiency.

History and etymology of substantial

The adjective 'substantial' derives from the Latin word 'substantialis,' which in turn is derived from the Latin root word 'substantia.' This root word consists of 'sub,' meaning 'under,' and 'stantia,' which pertains to 'standing' or 'being.' The word 'substantial' evolved over time to describe something of considerable size, amount, or importance. Its etymology reflects the concept of something having a solid and significant presence, emphasizing its substantial nature without directly delving into its meaning.

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Further usage examples of substantial

1. The storm caused substantial damage to the coastal town, destroying several buildings.
2. The actor's performance in the play received substantial acclaim from critics and audiences alike.
3. The book provided a substantial amount of information on the history of ancient civilizations.
4. The government implemented substantial reforms to address the issue of income inequality.
5. The charity received a substantial donation from a generous philanthropist.
6. The company reported a substantial increase in profits this year.
7. We made a substantial contribution to the charity fundraiser.
8. The project required a substantial amount of funding.
9. Her achievements in the field are quite substantial.
10. He faces substantial challenges in his new role.
11. The evidence against him is quite substantial.
12. They received a substantial grant for their research.
13. The company has a substantial market share.
14. The storm caused substantial damage to the building.
15. She inherited a substantial estate from her grandparents.
16. The book received substantial critical acclaim.
17. We enjoyed a substantial meal at the restaurant.
18. His support has been substantial throughout the campaign.
19. The investment brought in a substantial return.
20. We need to make substantial improvements to the system.
21. The project has a substantial impact on the community.
22. The price of the house is quite substantial.
23. She has a substantial amount of experience in the field.
24. The company faces substantial competition in the market.
25. They offer a substantial discount for bulk orders.

significant, trivial, minor, insubstantial

Prefix sub-, ACT 3 (American College Testing), High School 3, Size and Amount




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