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Dictionary definition of significant
Holding considerable importance, relevance, or influence.
"The historical event had a significant impact on the course of world history."
Detailed meaning of significant
It refers to an event, fact, idea, or action that has a notable impact, effect, or consequence. When something is deemed significant, it holds weight or significance beyond the ordinary or mundane. It implies a level of importance that commands attention or recognition. A significant event or achievement has a profound or lasting impact on individuals, communities, or society as a whole. Similarly, a significant finding or discovery in research or science contributes meaningful insights or advances understanding in a particular field. The term "significant" also denotes a degree of significance or statistical relevance, indicating that a result or observation is unlikely to have occurred by chance. In summary, something described as significant carries substantial meaning, importance, or influence that distinguishes it from the ordinary or trivial.
Example sentences containing significant
1. The research study revealed significant findings that challenged existing theories.
2. She made a significant contribution to the team's success with her innovative ideas.
3. The company's new product launch was a significant milestone in its growth.
4. His promotion to a leadership position was a significant achievement in his career.
5. The patient showed a significant improvement in their health after the treatment.
6. The discovery of a new species in the Amazon rainforest was a significant scientific breakthrough.
History and etymology of significant
The adjective 'significant' has its etymological origins in the Latin word 'significans,' which is the present participle of 'significare,' meaning 'to signify' or 'to make known.' 'Significare' is a combination of 'signum,' meaning 'sign' or 'mark,' and 'facere,' meaning 'to make' or 'to do.' Therefore, 'significant' originally meant 'making a sign' or 'indicating something.' Over time, its meaning evolved to convey the idea of holding considerable importance, relevance, or influence, as something that 'makes a mark' or stands out in significance. The etymology of 'significant' highlights its historical connection to the act of signifying or indicating, emphasizing the importance of things that convey meaning and leave a lasting impression.
Further usage examples of significant
1. The significant decline in crime rates brought relief to the local community.
2. The donation made a significant difference in the lives of those in need.
3. The team's victory in the championship was a significant moment of celebration.
4. The actress delivered a significant performance that earned her critical acclaim.
5. The policy change had a significant effect on the company's bottom line.
6. His significant contributions transformed the field of science.
7. The discovery of a new species was a significant event.
8. Their teamwork had a significant impact on the project's success.
9. A significant amount of research supports this theory.
10. The company's growth in profits was quite significant.
11. The historical artifact held significant cultural value.
12. The president's speech had a significant effect on public opinion.
13. The change in policy had a significant ripple effect.
14. The invention of the internet was a significant milestone.
15. Her achievements in sports were truly significant.
16. The financial decision had a significant long-term impact.
17. The artist's work left a significant mark on the art world.
18. The breakthrough in medicine was a significant advancement.
19. The CEO's resignation was a significant turning point.
20. A significant portion of the budget went to education.
21. The event had a significant influence on social norms.
22. The reduction in pollution had a significant environmental impact.
23. The historic treaty marked a significant moment in diplomacy.
24. His apology carried significant weight with the community.
25. The novel's themes addressed significant societal issues.,,
TOEFL 6, Excellence and Eminence, Middle School 5
Synonyms for significant
Quiz categories containing significant
important, trivial, insignificant, minor