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Dictionary definition of sham
Something that is not genuine or authentic, but rather an imitation or a fake.
"She realized too late that the charity organization was a sham."
Detailed meaning of sham
For example, a counterfeit product or a fraudulent scheme can be described as a sham. Additionally, the term can be used to describe a pretense or a deception, such as when someone puts on a false display of emotion or behavior. In some cases, the noun "sham" can also be used to refer to a hoax or a trick, such as a fake magic trick or a prank. Overall, the word "sham" is often used to describe something that is deceptive or misleading in some way, and is not to be trusted or believed in.
Example sentences containing sham
1. The designer handbag turned out to be a complete sham.
2. His apologies were just a sham to avoid getting in trouble.
3. The company was exposed for promoting sham products to its customers.
4. The magician's act was revealed to be a sham by a member of the audience.
5. The politician's promises turned out to be a sham once he was elected.
6. The seller was caught trying to pass off a sham antique as a genuine artifact.
History and etymology of sham
The noun 'sham' has an interesting etymological history. It can be traced back to the Irish word 'seam,' which meant a trick or a deceitful action. This Irish term was then adopted into the English language, particularly in the 18th century, to describe something that is not genuine or authentic but rather an imitation or a fake. Over time, 'sham' came to represent any form of pretense, deception, or falseness, whether it pertains to objects, actions, or appearances. It underscores the idea of something being misleading, often designed to deceive or create a false impression. The etymology of 'sham' thus highlights its association with trickery and deceit, making it a fitting word to describe things that lack authenticity or sincerity.
Further usage examples of sham
1. The beauty product was a sham, and had no actual effect on the skin.
2. The so-called expert was revealed to be a sham when he couldn't answer basic questions.
3. The psychic was exposed as a sham after she failed to predict a major event.
4. The investment opportunity turned out to be a sham and the investors lost all their money.
5. The supposed haunted house was actually a sham created by the owner to attract tourists.
6. His smile was a sham, hiding the pain within.
7. The antique vase turned out to be a sham.
8. She wore a sham diamond necklace to the party.
9. His excuses for being late seemed like a sham.
10. The charity turned out to be a sham organization.
11. The magician's tricks were nothing but shams.
12. The friendship they had was a sham from the start.
13. The product's claims were all a sham.
14. His confidence was just a sham to mask his insecurity.
15. The online review was clearly a sham.
16. The famous painting was revealed to be a sham.
17. The politician's promises were empty shams.
18. The designer handbag turned out to be a sham replica.
19. The fortune teller's predictions were shams.
20. The haunted house was just a sham for tourists.
21. Their love was a sham, filled with lies.
22. The antique watch was a sham, not authentic.
23. The job offer was a sham, leading to disappointment.
24. His apology felt insincere, like a sham.
25. The award ceremony felt like a sham with rigged results.,,
Illusion and Insincerity, Clarify and Elucidate, Fake and Insincere
Synonyms for sham
Quiz categories containing sham
fake, authentic, genuine, real