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Dictionary definition of sever
To cut or separate something forcefully, often with the intention of completely disconnecting it from its original source or attachment.
"The company decided to sever ties with the underperforming supplier."
Detailed meaning of sever
It conveys a sense of decisiveness and finality, highlighting the action of creating a clean break or division between two entities. 'Sever' can apply to physical actions, such as severing a rope, a limb, or a connection, as well as metaphorical situations, like severing ties with a person or severing a relationship with an organization. This term emphasizes the notion of a sharp and often irrevocable separation, where what was once joined or attached is now definitively apart.
Example sentences containing sever
1. The surgeon had to sever the damaged artery to save the patient's life.
2. The storm caused the tree to fall and sever the power line.
3. The divorce decree will sever the couple's legal ties.
4. The athlete had to withdraw from the competition due to a sever injury.
5. The landlord threatened to sever the tenant's lease for breaking the terms.
6. The engineer suggested severing the cable to prevent a system failure.
History and etymology of sever
The verb 'sever' has its etymological origins in the Latin word 'separare,' which means 'to separate' or 'to divide.' The term 'separare' is a combination of 'se-' meaning 'apart' and 'parare' meaning 'to prepare' or 'to make ready.' Therefore, 'sever' inherits the essence of forcefully cutting or separating something, often with the intent of completely disconnecting it from its original source or attachment. The etymology of 'sever' underscores the idea of a decisive and forceful action to create a distinct separation, emphasizing the removal of any connection or link between the severed parts.
Further usage examples of sever
1. The rebels attempted to sever the country's political ties with its former colonizer.
2. The ship captain ordered to sever the anchor chain to avoid running aground.
3. The chef had to sever the lobster's tail from its body for the dish.
4. The school board voted to sever the district's partnership with a controversial vendor.
5. The politician's controversial statement could sever his relationship with his supporters.
6. He'll sever the rope to free us from this entanglement.
7. They plan to sever ties with the company after the dispute.
8. She must sever the chain to release the anchor.
9. The surgeon will sever the damaged artery during the operation.
10. The storm could sever power lines, causing outages.
11. To escape, he'll sever the handcuffs with a hidden tool.
12. The chef will skillfully sever the lobster's tail.
13. The judge's decision may sever their legal partnership.
14. The ax will sever the tree's trunk with a single swing.
15. The divorce will sever their marital bonds.
16. The sword will sever the dragon's head in the battle.
17. The scissors can sever the fabric cleanly.
18. The hacker attempted to sever the network connection.
19. The storm could sever communication lines.
20. The diplomat aims to sever ties between the nations.
21. The predator seeks to sever the prey's lifeline.
22. The explosion could sever gas lines, posing a danger.
23. He'll sever the chain holding the gate closed.
24. The betrayal may sever their friendship forever.
25. The hurricane might sever the bridge's supports.
26. The decision to sever employment ties was difficult.
27. To escape, she'll sever the rope with a sharp object.
28. The avalanche could sever roads, isolating the town.
29. The earthquake may sever the water main.
30. The engineer will sever the connection to prevent a meltdown.,,
Damage and Destruction, Ending and Conclusion, Destruction and Devastation
Synonyms for sever
Quiz categories containing sever
detach, attach, connect, join