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How to pronounce savvy (audio)
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Dictionary definition of savvy

Having or showing shrewd judgement and understanding, especially in practical matters.
"He is a savvy investor, always looking for new opportunities to grow his portfolio."

Detailed meaning of savvy

"Savvy" is an adjective that is often used to describe someone who is clever, shrewd, or knowledgeable in a particular area. It can also be used to describe someone who is skillful or able to navigate a situation with ease. For example, one might say that a business person is "savvy" because they are able to make strategic decisions that lead to success. Similarly, a person who is "savvy" in technology is able to use and understand new gadgets and software quickly and efficiently. Overall, being "savvy" means being able to think critically, make good judgments and take actions that lead to positive results.

Example sentences containing savvy

1. The savvy investor sold all of his stock just before the crash.
2. He's a savvy antique dealer who always haggles over the price.
3. He is a savvy veteran who knows all the tricks of the trade.
4. He is savvy about computers and built his own for half the price.
5. She has a surprising amount of political savvy for such a young woman.
6. She has a lot of savvy when it comes to negotiating deals.

History and etymology of savvy

The adjective 'savvy' has an interesting etymology that connects it to nautical terminology. It originated from the Portuguese word 'sabe,' which means 'to know' or 'to understand.' Portuguese sailors and traders used this term when interacting with English-speaking counterparts during the Age of Exploration. Over time, the word 'sabe' made its way into English and transformed into 'savvy.' In nautical contexts, it referred to having practical knowledge and understanding of the sea and sailing. Eventually, 'savvy' expanded to describe individuals who exhibit shrewd judgment and practical understanding, especially in everyday matters. Therefore, the etymology of 'savvy' reflects its historical association with practical knowledge and expertise, particularly in the context of maritime affairs, which has evolved to encompass broader domains of practical wisdom and understanding.

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Further usage examples of savvy

1. The company's success is due in part to its savvy marketing strategies.
2. She is a savvy businesswoman, always one step ahead of the competition.
3. The savvy salesman was able to close the deal despite the difficult circumstances.
4. He has a lot of political savvy and knows how to get things done.
5. The savvy consumer did thorough research before making a purchasing decision.
6. She is a savvy social media user and has a large following on multiple platforms.
7. The marketing campaign was developed by a team of savvy professionals.
8. He is a savvy negotiator and is able to get what he wants in most situations.
9. The company's new CEO is known for her savvy leadership skills.
10. She is a savvy investor and has made a lot of money through smart investments.
11. She's a savvy investor who consistently makes profitable decisions.
12. His savvy negotiation skills helped secure a favorable deal.
13. The CEO's savvy leadership propelled the company to success.
14. The team's tech-savvy approach led to innovative solutions.
15. Her social media savvy garnered a large and engaged following.
16. Their marketing campaign demonstrated a deep understanding of consumer trends.
17. The lawyer's legal savvy was instrumental in winning the case.
18. The politician's savvy political maneuvering gained support from key allies.
19. He's financially savvy and adept at managing his resources.
20. The entrepreneur's business savvy turned a startup into a thriving enterprise.

astute, naive, inexperienced, uninformed

SAT 3 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Middle School 12, Insight and Intelligence




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