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How to pronounce sapient (audio)
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Dictionary definition of sapient

Possessing wisdom, intelligence, or a high level of knowledge and discernment.
"Her grandfather always offered germane and sapient advice."

Detailed meaning of sapient

When a person is referred to as sapient, it suggests that they have deep insight, sound judgment, and a capacity for wise decision-making. In a broader sense, "sapient" can also apply to creatures or beings in literature, mythology, or science fiction, such as wise and intelligent beings often depicted as having superior knowledge and understanding compared to humans. This term underscores the quality of wisdom and sagacity, highlighting the ability to make informed and prudent choices based on profound understanding and experience.

Example sentences containing sapient

1. In the far corner of the room sat a huddle of sapient elders smoking tobacco and drinking ale.
2. Her grandfather always offered germane and sapient advice.
3. Many wise and sapient philosphers have spent a lifetime seeking answers to the same questions.
4. He was known for his sapient insights and ideas, able to think deeply and critically about complex issues.
5. They were admired for their sapient leadership, able to guide and direct their team with wisdom and insight.
6. He was praised for his sapient judgement, able to make sound and practical decisions based on his knowledge and experience.

History and etymology of sapient

The adjective 'sapient' finds its etymological origins in Latin, specifically from the word 'sapientia,' which means 'wisdom' or 'knowledge.' This Latin term is related to the verb 'sapere,' which means 'to taste' or 'to be wise.' In ancient Rome, 'sapientia' was highly regarded and associated with the possession of wisdom, intelligence, and discernment. As a result, 'sapient' came into English usage to describe individuals who possess wisdom, knowledge, and the ability to make sound judgments. It implies a high level of intelligence and a deep understanding of the world. Thus, the etymology of 'sapient' underscores its historical connection to the concept of wisdom and discernment, signifying individuals of exceptional knowledge and insight.

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Further usage examples of sapient

1. She was respected for her sapient approach to problem-solving, able to think deeply and critically about challenges and find effective solutions.
2. They were admired for their sapient investment strategies, able to discern valuable opportunities and make wise decisions about their finances.
3. He was known for his sapient understanding of human nature, able to read people and situations with insight and understanding.
4. She was respected for her sapient interpretation of complex issues, able to discern important information and provide valuable insights.
5. They were admired for their sapient ability to adapt and respond to changing circumstances, able to make sound and practical decisions in difficult or unpredictable situations.
6. He was praised for his sapient understanding of the market, able to discern valuable trends and make informed decisions about his business.
7. She was respected for her sapient approach to business, able to think deeply and critically about her goals and make sound and practical decisions.
8. They were admired for their sapient approach to life, able to make wise and insightful decisions that brought them success and happiness.
9. The sapient professor's lectures were enlightening.
10. Sapient leaders make informed and wise decisions.
11. Wisdom often comes with age, making elders sapient.
12. Sapient advice can guide you through life's challenges.
13. The sapient scientist made groundbreaking discoveries.
14. She possessed a sapient understanding of human behavior.
15. Sapient individuals are sought after for their counsel.
16. The sapient philosopher's teachings inspired many.
17. His sapient insights into technology shaped the industry.
18. Sapient investors know how to navigate the market.
19. A sapient approach to problem-solving yields success.
20. The sapient detective cracked the complex case.
21. Sapient leaders prioritize the well-being of their people.
22. Sapient decisions are based on careful consideration.
23. Sapient mentors pass on their wisdom to the next generation.
24. Sapient writers craft thought-provoking literature.

wise, foolish, unwise, ignorant

Analysis and Reasoning, Perception and Perspicacity, Wisdom and Understanding, Insight and Intelligence




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