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Dictionary definition of sanguine
Optimistic, cheerful, and confident, often in the face of challenging or uncertain circumstances.
"Investors are taking a particularly sanguine view of economic growth."
Detailed meaning of sanguine
When we characterize an individual as sanguine, we are highlighting their hopeful and positive outlook on life, which is marked by a belief in favorable outcomes and an ability to maintain a good mood even when faced with difficulties. Sanguine people tend to see the silver lining in situations, display a sunny disposition, and maintain a sense of confidence in their abilities and the future. This term conveys a sense of unwavering optimism and a natural ability to radiate positivity, often inspiring others with their buoyant and hopeful attitude.
Example sentences containing sanguine
1. She is remarkably sanguine about her employment prospects.
2. He is remarkably sanguine about his prospects of getting a new job
3. He seemed surprisingly sanguine about his chances of getting a promotion.
4. They were rather less sanguine about the prospects for the economy.
5. He is remarkably sanguine about the economic outlook.
6. He's remarkably sanguine about the housing market.
7. He was sanguine about his future, filled with optimism and hope for what was to come.
History and etymology of sanguine
The adjective 'sanguine' has its origins in the Latin word 'sanguineus,' which is derived from 'sanguis,' meaning 'blood.' In ancient Roman and medieval physiology, it was believed that a person's temperament and disposition were influenced by the balance of four bodily fluids or 'humors,' one of which was blood. A person with an excess of blood was thought to be cheerful, optimistic, and confident. Over time, 'sanguine' came to describe individuals who display an optimistic and cheerful outlook, often in the face of challenging or uncertain circumstances. It suggests a temperament marked by hopefulness and confidence. The etymology of 'sanguine' underscores its historical connection to the concept of blood and temperament, emphasizing the qualities of optimism and cheerfulness that characterize a sanguine disposition.
Further usage examples of sanguine
1. She was sanguine about the outcome of the election, remaining cheerful and optimistic despite the uncertainty.
2. They were sanguine about their business venture, seeing the potential for success and growth.
3. He remained sanguine in the face of adversity, always finding a way to stay positive and hopeful.
4. She was sanguine about her recovery, seeing the potential for improvement and healing.
5. They were sanguine about the future of their relationship, filled with hope and optimism for what was to come.
6. He remained sanguine in the face of disappointment, always finding a way to stay positive and hopeful.
7. She was sanguine about her prospects, seeing the potential for success and growth.
8. They were sanguine about the future of their community, filled with hope and optimism for what was to come.
9. He remained sanguine in the face of challenge, always finding a way to stay positive and hopeful.
10. She was sanguine about her prospects, seeing the potential for success and growth despite the obstacles she faced.
11. They were sanguine about the future, filled with hope and optimism for what was to come.
12. She remained sanguine despite the setbacks in her career.
13. His sanguine attitude inspired the team during tough times.
14. A sanguine outlook can improve one's overall well-being.
15. The leader's sanguine vision motivated the entire company.
16. Even in adversity, he maintained a sanguine disposition.
17. Sanguine people often find solutions in difficult situations.
18. The athlete's sanguine spirit helped him overcome injuries.
19. Her sanguine personality made her a joy to be around.
20. A sanguine approach can lead to innovative problem-solving.
21. His sanguine belief in the future was contagious.
22. Sanguine individuals tend to see opportunities in challenges.
23. The professor's sanguine perspective inspired students.
24. Sanguine leaders can inspire teams to achieve great goals.,,,,
GRE 7 (Graduate Record Examination), Admiration and Respect, Assurance and Confidence, Fortitude and Rebellion, Confidence and Optimism
Synonyms for sanguine
Quiz categories containing sanguine
optimistic, pessimistic, despondent, bleak