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Dictionary definition of reimburse
To compensate someone for expenses or losses they have incurred.
"The insurance company agreed to reimburse the cost of the medical treatment."
Detailed meaning of reimburse
When a person is reimbursed, they are repaid for money that they have spent on something, such as travel expenses, medical bills, or business costs. Reimbursement can be made in different forms, including cash, check, or credit card refund. The purpose of reimbursement is to restore the person's financial position to what it was before they incurred the expense or loss. It is often used in formal settings, such as in business or government, where there are established procedures and policies for requesting and processing reimbursements.
Example sentences containing reimburse
1. The company will reimburse you for your travel expenses.
2. Please keep your receipts for us to reimburse you.
3. They agreed to reimburse the cost of the damaged goods.
4. The insurance company will reimburse your medical bills.
5. We'll reimburse your tuition fees upon completion.
6. The government will reimburse homeowners for flood damage.
History and etymology of reimburse
The verb 'reimburse' has its etymological roots in Latin and Old French. It is derived from the Latin word 're-' (meaning 'again') and 'imburse' or 'bursa' (meaning 'purse' or 'bag'). In the context of finances, 'reimburse' originally meant to put money back into someone's purse or repay expenses. This Latin term was adapted into Old French as 'reembourser,' with a similar financial sense. As it transitioned into English, it became 'reimburse,' retaining its essential meaning of compensating someone for expenses or losses they have incurred. The etymology of 'reimburse' effectively conveys the idea of repaying or returning money to someone, emphasizing its role as a verb used to describe the act of providing financial compensation for incurred costs or losses.
Further usage examples of reimburse
1. The airline will reimburse passengers for the canceled flight.
2. The policy states they will reimburse up to $500.
3. I'll reimburse you for the concert tickets.
4. Can you reimburse me for the lunch I covered?
5. The university will reimburse research-related expenses.
6. The company policy is to reimburse within 30 days.
7. The charity organization will reimburse your donation.
8. The landlord agreed to reimburse the security deposit.
9. They'll reimburse you for any out-of-pocket expenses.
10. The warranty will reimburse you for repair costs.
11. We'll reimburse you for the shipping charges.
12. The company will reimburse travel mileage.
13. The school will reimburse families for canceled trips.
14. The client will reimburse the consulting fees.
15. The company will reimburse you for any expenses related to your business trip.
16. We will reimburse you for the cost of the damaged item.
17. The airline will reimburse passengers for any lost luggage.
18. The university reimbursed the student for the cost of the required textbooks.
19. The government will reimburse farmers for crop losses due to natural disasters.
20. The company policy is to reimburse employees for work-related expenses.
21. The customer service representative promised to reimburse me for the defective product.
22. The charity organization reimbursed volunteers for the cost of transportation.
23. The hotel manager apologized and agreed to reimburse the guest for the unpleasant stay.
24. The organization will reimburse the volunteer for the cost of the supplies used for the project.
25. The client was pleased when the consultant offered to reimburse them for the additional hours worked.,,,
Commitment and Responsibility, Compensation and Rewards, Endeavor and Pursuit, Money and Finance
Synonyms for reimburse
Quiz categories containing reimburse
compensate, charge, debit, bill