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Dictionary definition of regurgitate
To repeat information without understanding or analyzing it.
"The student had to regurgitate the facts for the exam."
Detailed meaning of regurgitate
When someone regurgitates information, they simply recall it from memory and repeat it, often in a mechanical or robotic manner, without engaging with the substance or meaning of the information. Regurgitation is often associated with rote learning, memorization, and surface-level understanding, as opposed to deep, critical thinking and analysis. The term can be used to describe a variety of situations, from students repeating facts on an exam to pundits or talking heads on news programs reciting talking points without adding any new insights or perspectives. Overall, regurgitation implies a lack of original thought or engagement with the material, and suggests a superficial or shallow approach to learning or communication.
To "regurgitate" is also the act of bringing up food or other material from the stomach and throat through the mouth. This can happen naturally, as in the case of a baby who spits up milk after a feeding, or it can be a sign of a medical condition such as acid reflux or bulimia. Regurgitation can also refer to the act of reproducing or repeating information or ideas without original thought, as in the phrase "regurgitate facts." In this context, it implies a lack of critical thinking and understanding of the material being presented. Regurgitation can also refer to the behaviour of some birds and some aquatic animals, where they bring up food from their stomach to feed their young or for other reasons.
Example sentences containing regurgitate
1. He could only regurgitate the facts, lacking true comprehension.
2. During the exam, she struggled not to regurgitate memorized answers.
3. The student tended to regurgitate textbook content in essays.
4. The politician would often regurgitate rehearsed talking points.
5. The robot could regurgitate information but not apply it.
6. His presentation was dull, as he simply regurgitated the data.
History and etymology of regurgitate
The verb 'regurgitate' is derived from the Latin word 'regurgitare,' which is a combination of 're-' (meaning 'back' or 'again') and 'gurgitare' (meaning 'to overflow' or 'to flood'). In Latin, 'regurgitare' was used to describe the action of water overflowing or surging back, akin to a flood. Over time, the term took on a figurative meaning, and in English, 'regurgitate' is used to describe the act of repeating information without understanding or analyzing it thoroughly, as if the information is flowing back without any thoughtful processing. The etymology of 'regurgitate' underscores the notion of information being repeated in a mechanical or unreflective manner, akin to water surging back without careful consideration, highlighting the lack of depth or original thought often associated with this action.
Further usage examples of regurgitate
1. They expected him to regurgitate the party's official stance.
2. She felt the urge to regurgitate the rehearsed speech.
3. The debate lacked substance as participants only regurgitated clichés.
4. He could regurgitate equations but failed to solve problems.
5. The news anchor seemed to regurgitate press releases.
6. The teacher encouraged critical thinking over regurgitation.
7. The meeting turned into a regurgitation of past grievances.
8. In the interview, he couldn't help but regurgitate buzzwords.
9. His essays showed no original thought, just regurgitated ideas.
10. They hoped for innovative solutions, not regurgitated strategies.
11. The discussion was disappointing, filled with regurgitated opinions.
12. The manager preferred fresh ideas over regurgitated proposals.
13. The student aimed to understand concepts, not regurgitate them.
14. The team needed creativity, not regurgitated solutions.
15. The bird was able to regurgitate the food to feed its chicks.
16. The student was unable to regurgitate the information on the test.
17. The scientist had to regurgitate the data to find the error.
18. The baby regurgitated the milk after overfeeding.
19. The politician had to regurgitate the same talking points in every interview.
20. The teacher had to regurgitate the same information to the class.
21. The journalist had to regurgitate the same information from different sources.
22. The patient had to regurgitate the contents of their stomach for the stomach pump.
23. The student was able to regurgitate the information after hours of studying.
24. The snake was able to regurgitate its prey after accidentally swallowing it.
25. The comedian had to regurgitate the same jokes in every show.,,,
GRE 7 (Graduate Record Examination), TOEFL 8, Conduct and Character, Discourse and Conveyance
Synonyms for regurgitate
Quiz categories containing regurgitate
repeat, originate, create, innovate