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Dictionary definition of rancid
Unpleasant or offensive quality that elicits strong dislike or disgust.
"The rancid smell of the old cheese made it unappetizing."
Detailed meaning of rancid
This can refer to a variety of things, such as an unpleasant odor, a foul taste, or a disagreeable appearance. The use of "rancid" to describe something repugnant stems from its original meaning as a term for spoiled or decomposing food. Just as rancid food has a strong, unpleasant odor and taste, the term "rancid" can be used to describe anything with a similarly offensive quality. In this sense, "rancid" is a powerful word that connotes a deep level of distaste or disapproval.
Example sentences containing rancid
1. The rancid butter in the fridge had a foul smell.
2. She recoiled from the rancid taste of spoiled milk.
3. The rancid oil in the pan made the food inedible.
4. The restaurant received complaints about rancid seafood.
5. The rancid odor in the cellar was nauseating.
6. A rancid atmosphere of mistrust permeated the group.
History and etymology of rancid
The adjective 'rancid' traces its etymological roots back to the Latin word 'rancidus,' which means 'rank' or 'foul-smelling.' This Latin term is closely associated with 'rancere,' signifying 'to be spoiled' or 'to become putrid.' Therefore, the etymology of 'rancid' can be understood as something that has gone bad or spoiled, resulting in an unpleasant and offensive quality. This historical connection accurately mirrors the essence of 'rancid,' as it is used to describe tastes, smells, or qualities that elicit strong dislike or disgust due to their spoiled or foul nature. The word's origin highlights the concept of something turning unpleasant and rank through spoilage or deterioration.
Further usage examples of rancid
1. The rancid comments in the debate soured the mood.
2. He encountered a rancid smell in the abandoned building.
3. The rancid behavior of some patrons ruined the event.
4. The rancid air in the subway was stifling.
5. The rancid meat at the market raised health concerns.
6. The rancid jokes offended many in the audience.
7. A rancid cloud of smoke billowed from the factory.
8. The rancid taste of the dish left a bad impression.
9. The rancid condition of the bathroom needed cleaning.
10. The rancid politics in the office led to tension.
11. The rancid scent of the garbage bin was repulsive.
12. A rancid relationship between neighbors turned toxic.
13. The rancid flavors in the sauce were overpowering.
14. The rancid smell of decay tainted the room.
15. He discovered butter in the fridge had a rancid smell.
16. Spoiled milk left a rancid taste in her mouth.
17. The oil in the pan had turned rancid, ruining the food.
18. Complaints arose about seafood at the restaurant going rancid.
19. The cellar had a nauseating, rancid odor.
20. Mistrust created a rancid atmosphere in the group.
21. Rancid comments in the debate soured the mood.
22. An abandoned building emitted a rancid smell.
23. Some patrons' rancid behavior ruined the event.
24. The subway's rancid air was stifling.,,,,
GRE 2 (Graduate Record Examination), Frustration and Exasperation, Decay and Degeneration, Repugnance and Revulsion, Sensory and Perception
Synonyms for rancid
Quiz categories containing rancid
spoiled, fresh, pleasant, sweet