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Dictionary definition of proviso
A condition or stipulation that is attached to an agreement, contract, or proposal.
"The offer came with a proviso that the price was non-negotiable."
Detailed meaning of proviso
A proviso is typically included in a document or statement to clarify specific terms or requirements that must be met in order for the agreement to be valid or enforceable. The term can also be used to describe a limitation or exception that is included in a law or regulation. In general, the term 'proviso' is used to describe a conditional clause or requirement that must be fulfilled in order for a particular action or agreement to take place. The use of the term suggests a sense of caution or qualification, and may be used to express a sense of limitation or restriction on a particular action or agreement.
Example sentences containing proviso
1. The contract had a proviso that the work must be completed within three months.
2. The loan agreement had a proviso that the borrower must maintain a certain credit score.
3. The proposal had a proviso that the company must meet certain sustainability standards.
4. The treaty had a proviso that both countries must agree to disarmament.
5. The lease had a proviso that the tenant must not sublet the property without permission.
6. The will had a proviso that the inheritance would be divided equally among the siblings.
History and etymology of proviso
The noun 'proviso' has its etymological roots in Latin, specifically from the phrase 'pro viso,' which can be translated as 'for a particular case' or 'with a view to a condition.' The term 'proviso' emerged in English to describe a condition or stipulation that is attached to an agreement, contract, or proposal. It signifies a specific requirement or limitation that must be met or adhered to for the agreement to be valid or effective. The etymology of 'proviso' highlights its original purpose as a way to address particular cases or circumstances within a broader context, emphasizing the importance of clearly defining conditions and stipulations to ensure clarity and fairness in agreements and contracts.
Further usage examples of proviso
1. The scholarship had a proviso that the recipient must maintain a certain GPA.
2. The grant had a proviso that the funds must be used for research purposes only.
3. The agreement had a proviso that both parties must sign before it could be legally binding.
4. The policy had a proviso that the insured must report any damages within 24 hours.
5. The permit had a proviso that the construction must comply with building codes and regulations.
6. The contract had a proviso regarding late payment penalties.
7. She agreed to the loan with a proviso about interest rates.
8. The treaty included a proviso for mutual defense in emergencies.
9. The partnership was formed with a proviso for equal profit sharing.
10. The rental agreement had a proviso concerning property maintenance.
11. The scholarship had a proviso stipulating academic performance.
12. The employment contract contained a proviso for remote work options.
13. The proposal included a proviso for regular project updates.
14. The will had a proviso for charitable donations to specific causes.
15. The purchase agreement included a proviso for property inspection.
16. The licensing agreement had a proviso about intellectual property.
17. The grant came with a proviso for timely project completion.
18. The treaty had a proviso for annual diplomatic negotiations.
19. The contract included a proviso for dispute resolution procedures.
20. The agreement contained a proviso regarding confidentiality clauses.
21. The lease agreement had a proviso for security deposit refunds.
22. The contract had a proviso specifying delivery and payment terms.
23. The employment offer had a proviso regarding relocation expenses.
24. The partnership agreement had a proviso for dissolution procedures.
25. The licensing agreement included a proviso for royalty payments.,,
SAT 17 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 3, Legal Terms and Concepts
Synonyms for proviso
Quiz categories containing proviso
condition, certainty, guarantee, assurance