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How to pronounce proficient (audio)
The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook

Dictionary definition of proficient

Having a high degree of skill or expertise in a particular field or activity.
"She is proficient in multiple languages, including French and Spanish."

Detailed meaning of proficient

A proficient individual has acquired a level of knowledge, experience, and training that enables them to perform tasks with ease, accuracy, and efficiency. They possess a thorough understanding of the subject matter and are capable of applying their knowledge to solve problems and achieve goals. A proficient worker is highly valued in the workplace because they can complete their tasks quickly and effectively, saving time and resources for the company. In summary, proficiency implies a mastery of skills and abilities, and a high level of competence and performance in a given area.

Example sentences containing proficient

1. She's proficient in multiple programming languages.
2. The chef is proficient in creating gourmet dishes.
3. He's proficient in playing multiple musical instruments.
4. The pilot is highly proficient in flying complex aircraft.
5. The surgeon is proficient in performing intricate surgeries.
6. The teacher is proficient in conveying complex concepts.

History and etymology of proficient

The adjective 'proficient' derives its origins from the Latin word 'proficiens,' which is the present participle form of 'proficere.' 'Proficere' is a compound word comprising 'pro,' meaning 'forward,' and 'facere,' meaning 'to make' or 'to do.' Therefore, at its core, 'proficient' reflects the idea of moving forward or advancing in a skill or activity. Over time, it evolved in English to describe individuals who have made significant progress in acquiring a high level of skill or expertise in a particular field or activity. This etymology underscores the notion that proficiency is achieved through continuous effort and progress, emphasizing the skill and competence attained by individuals who have dedicated themselves to mastering a specific discipline or craft.

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Further usage examples of proficient

1. The athlete is proficient in various sports.
2. The linguist is proficient in several foreign languages.
3. The artist is proficient in various mediums.
4. The writer is proficient in crafting compelling narratives.
5. The accountant is proficient in financial analysis.
6. The mechanic is proficient in repairing all types of vehicles.
7. The designer is proficient in creating stunning visuals.
8. The detective is proficient in solving challenging cases.
9. The athlete is proficient in long-distance running.
10. The scientist is proficient in conducting advanced research.
11. The lawyer is proficient in legal strategy.
12. The teacher is proficient in fostering a love for learning.
13. The engineer is proficient in innovative design.
14. The photographer is proficient in capturing memorable moments.
15. The athlete is proficient in various sports, such as basketball and soccer.
16. He is proficient in using various programming languages for software development.
17. The musician is proficient in playing multiple instruments, including the piano and guitar.
18. The artist is proficient in different art styles, including abstract and realistic.
19. The doctor is proficient in performing complex surgeries with high success rates.
20. The teacher is proficient in using innovative teaching methods to engage students.
21. The writer is proficient in crafting compelling and well-researched articles.
22. The chef is proficient in preparing different cuisines, including Italian and Chinese.
23. The engineer is proficient in designing and developing various mechanical systems.
24. The accountant is proficient in managing financial records and preparing tax returns.
25. The photographer is proficient in capturing stunning images in different lighting conditions.

skilled, inept, unskilled, amateur

TOEFL 10, Progress and Enhancement, Middle School 2, Skill and Distinction




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