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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook by BETTER WORDS R. B. Skinner
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How to pronounce pavlovian (audio)

Dictionary definition of pavlovian

Automatic, predictable, and conditioned behavior, pertaining to the classical conditioning experiments conducted by the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov.
"The children's Pavlovian response to the school bell was to quickly line up and head to class."

Detailed meaning of pavlovian

It describes a reflexive or involuntary reaction that occurs in response to a specific stimulus due to prior conditioning. In Pavlov's famous experiments, he conditioned dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell by repeatedly pairing the bell with food. Eventually, the dogs began to associate the bell with food, and they would salivate upon hearing the bell alone, even in the absence of food. Hence, the term "Pavlovian" is often used to describe any response that is learned through association and becomes automatic or instinctual. This adjective can be applied to both human and animal behavior and is often used to illustrate the power of conditioning and the influence of external stimuli on our actions and reactions.

Example sentences containing pavlovian

1. The sight of the ice cream truck triggered a Pavlovian reaction in the neighborhood kids, who immediately ran towards it.
2. Whenever the alarm clock rang, his Pavlovian instinct kicked in, and he automatically reached over to hit the snooze button.
3. The Pavlovian experiment demonstrated how easily humans can be conditioned to associate a neutral stimulus with a specific response.
4. The Pavlovian training method involved rewarding the dog with treats every time it obeyed a command.
5. As soon as he smelled freshly baked bread, a Pavlovian response made his mouth water.
6. The Pavlovian conditioning had such a strong effect that even the mere mention of the word "test" caused anxiety in the students.

History and etymology of pavlovian

The adjective 'Pavlovian' derives its etymology from the renowned Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov, who conducted groundbreaking research on classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov's surname became synonymous with the concept of automatic, predictable, and conditioned behavior through his influential experiments with dogs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Classical conditioning involved pairing a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus to elicit a conditioned response, and the term 'Pavlovian' emerged to describe this type of learned, reflexive behavior. Over time, 'Pavlovian' has transcended its original scientific context and has become a part of everyday language to describe any behavior or response that is automatic, predictable, and conditioned, thanks to the lasting impact of Ivan Pavlov's research.

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Further usage examples of pavlovian

1. Her Pavlovian habit was to reach for her phone every time she heard a notification sound.
2. The Pavlovian experiment showed that the sound of a bell could trigger a range of emotional responses in the participants.
3. Whenever the car stopped at a red light, his Pavlovian reaction was to check his phone.
4. The Pavlovian response of licking his lips occurred whenever he saw a plate of his favorite dessert.
5. The Pavlovian training made the dog associate the sound of a clicker with receiving a treat.
6. The Pavlovian experiment revealed how easily fear could be conditioned in subjects through repeated exposure to a particular stimulus.
7. The Pavlovian response of flinching occurred whenever he heard a loud noise.
8. After years of Pavlovian conditioning, he couldn't help but feel hungry whenever he smelled freshly brewed coffee.
9. Her Pavlovian response to the alarm clock was to hit snooze.
10. He couldn't resist the Pavlovian urge to check his phone.
11. The smell of fresh-baked cookies had a Pavlovian effect on me.
12. The Pavlovian training made the dog salivate at the bell sound.
13. His Pavlovian reaction to stress was to bite his nails.
14. She had a Pavlovian association between coffee and mornings.
15. The Pavlovian routine of their morning jog became comforting.
16. The Pavlovian response to the bell was instantaneous.
17. The Pavlovian behavior of checking emails constantly is common.
18. The Pavlovian conditioning had lasting effects on their habits.
19. He had a Pavlovian reflex to reach for his wallet when dining out.
20. The Pavlovian connection between music and memories is profound.
21. The Pavlovian training had ingrained the habit deeply.
22. His Pavlovian fear of spiders was hard to overcome.
23. The Pavlovian association between red lights and stopping is crucial for road safety.

SAT 2 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Prediction and Foresight, Knowledge and Wisdom



conditioned, unconditioned, spontaneous, voluntary


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