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Dictionary definition of monkish
Reminiscent of or associated with the characteristics, lifestyle, or practices of monks.
"He chose a monkish existence, renouncing material possessions and living a life of simplicity."
Detailed meaning of monkish
It typically implies a strict, disciplined, or ascetic way of living, resembling the devout and contemplative nature of monks. "Monkish" can refer to individuals who lead a monastic life, adhering to religious vows and dedicating themselves to spiritual pursuits. It can also describe behavior or attributes that align with the simplicity, solitude, or devotion often associated with monks. Additionally, "monkish" can be used metaphorically to describe someone or something that exhibits a reserved, introverted, or withdrawn disposition, mirroring the quiet and introspective nature typically associated with monasticism. Overall, "monkish" conveys a sense of dedication to spiritual or intellectual matters, often marked by simplicity, solitude, and self-discipline.
Example sentences containing monkish
1. His spartan living quarters reflected his monkish lifestyle.
2. The scholar's monkish devotion to studying earned him great respect.
3. She adopted a monkish routine of meditation and prayer.
4. The monkish silence in the monastery was broken only by soft whispers.
5. His monkish attire consisted of a simple brown robe and a rope belt.
6. The secluded cabin gave him a monkish retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.
History and etymology of monkish
The adjective 'monkish' has its etymology rooted in the word 'monk,' which in turn comes from the Old English 'munuc' and the Late Latin 'monachus.' The term 'monk' originally referred to a man who had withdrawn from the secular world to live a life of religious devotion and asceticism in a monastery. 'Monkish' is derived from 'monk' and is used to describe anything reminiscent of or associated with the characteristics, lifestyle, or practices of monks. It often conveys a sense of simplicity, solitude, and a disciplined way of life, as typically followed by those in monastic orders. The etymology of 'monkish' highlights its close connection to the monastic traditions and the qualities associated with those who lead a dedicated and contemplative life within religious communities.
Further usage examples of monkish
1. Her monkish dedication to her craft led to remarkable artistic achievements.
2. The monkish rituals and ceremonies fascinated the visitors to the monastery.
3. The bookish scholar's monkish demeanor made him seem aloof to his peers.
4. The monkish discipline of waking up early and practicing yoga helped her find inner peace.
5. The quiet library provided the perfect monkish atmosphere for deep study and reflection.
6. His spartan, monkish existence included daily meditation.
7. The monkish library was filled with ancient manuscripts.
8. Her attire had a monkish simplicity, all earthy tones.
9. The monastery's architecture exuded a monkish charm.
10. He led a monkish life of solitude and contemplation.
11. The humble cottage had a monkish, minimalist design.
12. The garden was a monkish oasis of tranquility.
13. The monkish discipline of fasting was part of his routine.
14. She found solace in the monkish silence of the forest.
15. The hermit's lifestyle was truly monkish in nature.
16. The scholar's dedication to books was almost monkish.
17. He adopted a monkish diet of vegetables and grains.
18. The room's monkish decor promoted a sense of peace.
19. Her writing style was often described as monkish.
20. The monkish vows of poverty and chastity guided them.
21. The monastery's bell tolled in a monkish rhythm.
22. His monkish devotion to meditation was unwavering.
23. The retreat offered a monkish escape from city life.
24. The hermit's hut was the epitome of monkish simplicity.
25. The monkish rituals of the monastery fascinated her.,,,
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Synonyms for monkish
Quiz categories containing monkish
ascetic, indulgent, extravagant, worldly