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Dictionary definition of millennia

Denoting a span of one thousand years or multiple periods of a thousand years.
"The Great Pyramid of Giza has stood for over four millennia."

Detailed meaning of millennia

It is often used in discussions of history, geology, and astronomy to describe vast spans of time. The term 'millennia' is the plural form of the word 'millennium', which is derived from the Latin word 'mille' meaning 'thousand'. Millennia are frequently used in discussions of geological time periods, such as the Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic eras, which each spanned millions of years. The term is also used in discussions of human history, such as the Ancient Egyptian civilization, which lasted for several millennia, or the Christian era, which has now lasted for over two millennia. Overall, millennia is a term that highlights the vastness of time and the many significant events, changes, and developments that can occur over the course of a thousand years.

Example sentences containing millennia

1. The dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of millennia ago.
2. The oldest human settlements date back to over ten millennia ago.
3. The ancient Greeks made significant contributions to philosophy and science over several millennia.
4. The history of Chinese civilization spans several millennia and includes many dynasties and empires.
5. The rock formations in the Grand Canyon were shaped over millions of millennia.
6. The indigenous peoples of the Americas have a rich history that spans several millennia.

History and etymology of millennia

The noun 'millennia' has a straightforward etymology rooted in Latin. It is formed from the word 'mille,' which means 'thousand,' and the suffix '-ennia,' which indicates a period or duration. In Latin, 'millennium' referred to a period of one thousand years. As this term made its way into English, it retained its original meaning, denoting a span of one thousand years or multiple periods of a thousand years. 'Millennia' serves as a reminder of the passage of time and is often used in historical or geological contexts to describe extended periods of history or eras characterized by their duration of a thousand years. Therefore, its etymology directly reflects its numerical significance and temporal connotation.

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Further usage examples of millennia

1. The history of the Roman Empire covers several millennia and is marked by significant political, cultural, and social changes.
2. The rise of agriculture and civilization occurred over several millennia in different parts of the world.
3. The universe has existed for billions of millennia, according to current scientific theories.
4. The written history of humanity spans only a small fraction of the millennia that humans have existed on Earth.
5. The development of human language and culture has occurred over millennia, resulting in the diverse societies and cultures we see today.
6. The ancient city's history unfolds across millennia of human activity and transformation.
7. Geological changes sculpt landscapes over millennia, shaping our planet's diverse terrain.
8. Human civilization, with its complex tapestry of culture, has thrived and evolved for millennia.
9. Millennia-old fossils hold clues to Earth's distant past and the creatures that once roamed.
10. Written records meticulously document millennia of human history, from ancient to modern.
11. A celestial tapestry of stars has graced the night sky for millennia, sparking wonder.
12. Millennia-old texts and manuscripts contain a treasure trove of wisdom and knowledge.
13. Language, a dynamic entity, has evolved over millennia, adapting to changing societies.
14. Millennia of traditions and customs have woven a rich tapestry of cultural heritage.
15. Geological processes, measured in millennia, slowly shape our planet's geological features.
16. Millennia of artistic expression have inspired creativity, leaving a legacy of masterpieces.
17. Millennia of evolutionary forces have shaped the diversity of species on our planet.
18. Ancient ruins, silent witnesses to millennia of life, offer glimpses into bygone civilizations.
19. Millennia of innovation and discovery have propelled humanity's progress and advancement.
20. Millennia-old trees, towering giants, stand as sentinels of nature's enduring majesty.
21. Archaeological digs unearth remnants of civilizations that thrived millennia ago.
22. Millennia of storms, wind, and water have etched intricate patterns on landscapes.
23. Millennia of myth, legend, and folklore continue to influence and enrich cultural narratives.
24. Millennia of accumulated knowledge and scientific inquiry have propelled human understanding.
25. Millennia of geological processes have shaped the landscapes, leaving breathtaking vistas.

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