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Dictionary definition of manipulate
To exert control or influence over something or someone in order to achieve a desired outcome or gain an advantage.
"He was able to manipulate the situation to his advantage."
Detailed meaning of manipulate
Manipulate refers to It can involve using various tactics, such as deception, persuasion, or coercion, to influence the behavior or decision-making of others. Manipulation can be used in many different contexts, such as personal relationships, politics, business, and advertising. It can be used to achieve a wide range of goals, such as gaining power, money, or control over others. Manipulation can be done in a negative or positive way, but when it's done in a negative way, it can be a form of abuse and can be used to exploit or harm others. Manipulation can be difficult to detect and can be subtle, making it important to be aware of it and to learn how to protect oneself against it.
Example sentences containing manipulate
1. They manipulate the data to support their argument.
2. I can manipulate the clay into different shapes.
3. You manipulate the puzzle pieces to fit them together.
4. He, she, or it can manipulate the settings to achieve the desired outcome.
5. We manipulate the variables in the experiment to test different hypotheses.
6. You (plural) manipulate the strings on the guitar to create music.
History and etymology of manipulate
The verb 'manipulate' has its etymological roots in Latin, specifically from the word 'manipulus,' which referred to a small bundle or sheaf of hay, straw, or similar material. This Latin term was derived from 'manus,' meaning 'hand,' and 'plere,' meaning 'to fill' or 'to handle.' The connection between 'manipulus' and the modern usage of 'manipulate' lies in the idea of handling or controlling something skillfully and dexterously, much like one would handle a bundle of material. Over time, the word 'manipulate' evolved to encompass the notion of skillfully controlling or influencing people or objects to achieve a desired outcome or gain an advantage. Thus, the etymology of 'manipulate' reflects the historical association with manual dexterity and skillful handling, which has transformed into the contemporary sense of exerting control or influence for specific purposes.
Further usage examples of manipulate
1. They manipulate the knobs on the soundboard to adjust the audio levels.
2. I learn how to manipulate the software to enhance my productivity.
3. You manipulate the ingredients to create a delicious meal.
4. He, she, or it can manipulate the controls to operate the machinery.
5. We manipulate the colors on the canvas to create a visually stunning painting.
6. You (plural) manipulate the fabric to sew a beautiful garment.
7. They manipulate the words in the poem to convey a deeper meaning.
8. I can manipulate the camera settings to capture the perfect shot.
9. You manipulate the buttons on the remote control to change the channel.
10. He, she, or it can manipulate the pieces on the chessboard to plan their moves.
11. We manipulate the code to fix the bug in the software.
12. You (plural) manipulate the dials on the thermostat to adjust the temperature.
13. They manipulate the numbers in the spreadsheet to analyze the data.
14. I learn how to manipulate the clay on the pottery wheel to create pottery.,,
ACT 7 (American College Testing), Influence and Persuasion, Guile and Manipulation
Synonyms for manipulate
Quiz categories containing manipulate
control, leave alone, ignore, neglect