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How to pronounce lovestruck (audio)
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Dictionary definition of lovestruck

Being deeply and passionately infatuated or in love with someone.
"The lovestruck couple held hands and gazed into each other's eyes."

Detailed meaning of lovestruck

When someone is lovestruck, they are captivated by intense emotions and often experience a sense of overwhelming affection and desire for the object of their affection. This state can cause a person to feel consumed by thoughts and fantasies about their beloved, leading to a preoccupation with the person and a willingness to go to great lengths to win their affection or express their love. Lovestruck individuals may exhibit behaviors such as daydreaming, constantly talking or thinking about their love interest, feeling a surge of happiness or butterflies in their stomach when in their presence, and experiencing a heightened sense of emotional vulnerability. The term "lovestruck" encapsulates the powerful and enchanting experience of falling head over heels in love, where rationality and reason often take a backseat to the intense emotions driving one's actions and thoughts.

Example sentences containing lovestruck

1. Sarah couldn't focus on anything else; she was completely lovestruck.
2. Mark's lovestruck expression gave away his feelings for Emily.
3. Jane felt lovestruck whenever she saw her crush across the room.
4. The lovestruck teenager couldn't stop smiling after receiving a text from their love interest.
5. He was so lovestruck that he wrote poetry to express his feelings.
6. The lovestruck pair spent hours talking on the phone every night.

History and etymology of lovestruck

The adjective 'lovestruck' can be dissected into two distinct components, each with its own etymology. First, we have 'love,' which can be traced back to the Middle English word 'loven,' originating from the Old English 'lufian,' signifying affection and desire. The second part, 'struck,' comes from the Middle English word 'strik,' which evolved from the Old English 'strican,' meaning to hit or strike. When combined, 'lovestruck' carries the idea of being profoundly and passionately infatuated or in love with someone to the extent that it feels as though one has been figuratively 'struck' or hit by the force of love's emotions, emphasizing the intensity and overwhelming nature of romantic affection.

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Further usage examples of lovestruck

1. Clara's lovestruck behavior was evident to everyone around her.
2. The lovestruck groom couldn't take his eyes off his bride as she walked down the aisle.
3. She felt a lovestruck flutter in her heart every time he complimented her.
4. The lovestruck couple took long walks hand in hand, lost in their own little world.
5. The lovestruck puppy followed its owner everywhere, seeking constant attention.
6. Mark's friends teased him about his lovestruck behavior whenever he was around his crush.
7. The lovestruck girl doodled hearts and her crush's name in her notebook.
8. Despite his lovestruck state, he managed to summon the courage to ask her out on a date.
9. He's completely lovestruck by her radiant smile.
10. They danced the night away, both feeling lovestruck.
11. A lovestruck heart knows no bounds.
12. She looked into his eyes, feeling utterly lovestruck.
13. He couldn't concentrate, his mind lovestruck by her.
14. Their lovestruck gazes spoke volumes.
15. They shared a lovestruck moment under the stars.
16. Being lovestruck made him feel alive.
17. Every note of the song made him more lovestruck.
18. She's the reason he's so lovestruck lately.
19. In their lovestruck state, time stood still.
20. Lovestruck and lost in each other's embrace.
21. They were both lovestruck at first sight.
22. Lovestruck dreams filled his sleepless nights.
23. He wore a lovestruck grin all day long.
24. Their laughter echoed in the lovestruck air.
25. The lovestruck couple held hands, not caring who saw.
26. Their lovestruck hearts beat in perfect harmony.
27. He penned lovestruck poems in her honor.
28. The world seemed brighter through lovestruck eyes.

smitten, indifferent, apathetic, uninterested

TOEFL 9, High School 4, Love and Sex




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