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Dictionary definition of lopsided
Uneven, unbalanced, or asymmetrical in shape, structure, or distribution.
"The lopsided painting on the wall tilted to one side."
Detailed meaning of lopsided
It implies that there is a noticeable lack of symmetry or proportion. When used to describe physical objects, 'lopsided' suggests that one side is noticeably larger, heavier, or more prominent than the other, resulting in an irregular or skewed appearance. It can also be applied to describe a situation, relationship, or decision that is disproportionately biased or favoring one side or perspective over the other. In such cases, 'lopsided' signifies an imbalance or unfairness in distribution, representation, or outcome. It conveys the idea of a lack of equilibrium, often suggesting that one aspect or component is significantly more significant or influential than the others. Overall, 'lopsided' highlights a lack of balance or symmetry, whether in physical appearance or in the distribution of attributes or effects.
Example sentences containing lopsided
1. The lopsided cake leaned to one side, defying gravity.
2. He wore a lopsided grin, revealing his mischievous nature.
3. The painting had a lopsided composition, creating a sense of imbalance.
4. She adjusted her lopsided glasses, trying to improve her vision.
5. They played a lopsided match, with one team dominating the other.
6. The tree had a lopsided growth, with branches unevenly distributed.
History and etymology of lopsided
The adjective 'lopsided' has a straightforward etymology that reflects its meaning. It is a combination of two words: 'lop' and 'side.' 'Lop' comes from Middle English 'loppe,' which meant 'to cut off,' often used in reference to cutting off branches or limbs. 'Side,' of course, refers to one of two halves or aspects of something. When you put these two words together, 'lopsided' essentially means 'having one side cut off or shorter than the other,' conveying the idea of something being uneven, unbalanced, or asymmetrical in shape, structure, or distribution. This etymology underscores the visual imagery of something being skewed or leaning to one side, which is at the heart of the word's meaning.
Further usage examples of lopsided
1. He struggled to walk with a lopsided gait due to an injury.
2. She tied her lopsided shoelaces, not bothered by the imperfection.
3. The lopsided score reflected the clear winner of the game.
4. They fixed the lopsided picture frame, ensuring it hung straight on the wall.
5. The lopsided negotiation favored one party over the other.
6. He wore a lopsided hat, giving him a whimsical appearance.
7. She drew a lopsided smiley face, embracing its quirky charm.
8. The building had a lopsided structure, causing it to lean slightly.
9. They shared a lopsided victory dance, celebrating their unexpected win.
10. The lopsided argument lacked evidence and failed to convince.
11. He carried a lopsided load, causing him to stumble along the way.
12. She baked a lopsided pie, making it look homemade and unique.
13. The lopsided competition drew criticism for its unfairness.
14. They laughed at the lopsided pumpkin they carved, finding beauty in its asymmetry.,,
ACT 3 (American College Testing), Balance and Stability, Division and Separation
Synonyms for lopsided
Quiz categories containing lopsided
asymmetrical, balanced, even, symmetrical