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SAT 3 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 6, Direction and Change




straight, nonlinear, erratic, meandering

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How to pronounce linear (audio)

Dictionary definition of linear

Straight, direct, or progressing in a consistent and uninterrupted manner.
"The timeline displayed the events in a linear fashion, making it easy to follow."

Detailed meaning of linear

It is often used to describe a sequence, relationship, or arrangement that follows a clear and predictable path without deviation or variation. In a linear context, elements or events are arranged in a sequential order, where each subsequent element or event can be traced directly back to the previous one. Linear can also refer to a line or shape that is straight and lacks curves or angles. In mathematics, a linear equation or function denotes a straight line relationship between variables. In a broader sense, the term "linear" can be applied to various disciplines, including physics, literature, and design, where it suggests a straightforward, logical, and easily comprehensible progression or structure.

Example sentences containing linear

1. The ruler helped me draw a perfect linear line.
2. The professor explained the concept in a linear manner, building upon each step.
3. The plot of the story had a linear structure, with a clear beginning, middle, and end.
4. The road stretched ahead in a linear path, disappearing into the distance.
5. The linear relationship between price and demand was evident in the market.
6. The puzzle required arranging the pieces in a linear sequence to solve it.

History and etymology of linear

The adjective 'linear' can be traced back to the Latin word 'linearis,' which is derived from 'linea,' meaning 'line.' In Latin, 'linearis' was used to describe anything related to or resembling a line. The concept of a line, representing a straight and unbroken path, has been fundamental in mathematics and geometry since ancient times. In this context, 'linear' signifies something that is straight, direct, or progressing in a consistent and uninterrupted manner, much like a line that extends without deviation. Over time, this mathematical term expanded into broader usage, finding application in various fields to describe anything characterized by a straightforward and continuous progression. Therefore, the etymology of 'linear' underscores its association with the concept of a line and its subsequent metaphorical usage to describe things that follow a clear and unbroken path.

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Further usage examples of linear

1. The architect designed a modern building with clean lines and linear shapes.
2. The instructions provided a linear progression of tasks to complete the project.
3. The mathematician graphed the data points to determine if they formed a linear pattern.
4. The computer program executed the instructions in a linear order, line by line.
5. The train followed a linear track, smoothly moving from one station to another.
6. The linear path through the forest led to a hidden waterfall.
7. In mathematics, a linear equation represents a straight line.
8. His linear thinking style helps him solve complex problems.
9. The linear narrative of the novel made it easy to follow.
10. The road was long and linear, stretching into the horizon.
11. Linear progress in technology has transformed our lives.
12. The linear design of the building is modern and sleek.
13. The linear growth of the company is impressive.
14. She prefers a linear approach to project management.
15. The linear arrangement of books on the shelf made them easy to find.
16. The linear relationship between time and distance is crucial in physics.
17. Linear programming is a powerful tool in optimization.
18. The linear fashion show featured minimalist designs.
19. The linear timeline helped us track project milestones.
20. A linear pattern emerged from the data analysis.
21. The linear pattern of stars formed a constellation.
22. The linear layout of the museum made it easy to navigate.
23. His linear speech style is clear and concise.
24. The linear progression of the story kept readers engaged.
25. Linear algebra is a fundamental concept in mathematics.

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