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Dictionary definition of lacerate
To cause deep, irregular cuts or wounds on the body or an object.
"The thorns on the rose stem can easily lacerate your hands if you are not cautious."
Detailed meaning of lacerate
It involves tearing or ripping apart with force, resulting in severe damage and often leaving jagged edges or gaping openings. The action of lacerating is characterized by its intensity and the infliction of significant pain and trauma. Whether describing a physical injury or the tearing of an inanimate object, the verb "lacerate" conveys a sense of violence, destruction, and a profound impact on the subject being lacerated. It is a word that emphasizes the severity and brutality of the action, evoking images of torn flesh or shredded materials.
Example sentences containing lacerate
1. The sharp branches lacerate my skin as I rush through the dense forest.
2. Don't let harsh words lacerate your soul and dampen your spirit.
3. Be careful while cutting the vegetables, the knife is sharp enough to lacerate your fingers.
4. The boxer’s powerful punches can lacerate an opponent’s face, causing serious injuries.
5. The tiger’s claws are designed to lacerate the flesh of its prey.
6. His comments were so bitter that they seemed to lacerate the very fabric of the friendship.
History and etymology of lacerate
The verb 'lacerate' has its etymological roots in Latin, specifically from the word 'lacerare.' In Latin, 'lacerare' meant 'to tear' or 'to rend,' and it was used to describe the act of tearing something apart violently. This word found its way into English, retaining its sense of causing deep, irregular cuts or wounds, often associated with a tearing or rending action. Thus, when we use the term 'lacerate' today, we are evoking its ancient Latin origins to describe the act of inflicting severe and often painful injuries characterized by deep and jagged cuts, whether on the body or an object.
Further usage examples of lacerate
1. The doctor said that the broken glass didn't lacerate any major arteries, so the injury is not as serious as it could have been.
2. When climbing, the mountaineers wear special gloves to protect their hands from rocks that might lacerate them.
3. The falcon's talons are sharp and can easily lacerate the skin of its prey.
4. The whipping winds carried debris that could lacerate anything in their path during the storm.
5. In ancient gladiatorial combat, fighters would often use spiked whips that could lacerate their opponents terribly.
6. The jagged metal edge lacerated my palm during the accident.
7. The sharp thorns lacerated the skin on my fingers.
8. He used a knife to lacerate the canvas in his art project.
9. The barbed wire fence can easily lacerate anyone who touches it.
10. Her words seemed to lacerate his heart with their cruelty.
11. The broken glass on the sidewalk could lacerate someone's foot.
12. The cat's claws lacerated the upholstery of the couch.
13. The hiker's fall caused branches to lacerate his legs.
14. The hurricane's strong winds can lacerate buildings and trees.
15. The surgeon needed to lacerate the tissue to access the tumor.
16. The machine's malfunction caused it to lacerate the fabric.
17. The wild animal's teeth can lacerate flesh in an instant.
18. The thorny rosebush lacerated my hand when I reached for a flower.
19. The athlete's fall lacerated his knee, requiring stitches.
20. The tornado's debris can lacerate structures and vehicles.
21. The broken glass bottle could lacerate someone if not handled carefully.
22. The fierce battle left soldiers with lacerated wounds.
23. The old, rusty saw could easily lacerate your hand if mishandled.
24. The ice skate blade accidentally lacerated his ankle.
25. The shark's teeth have the power to lacerate prey with precision.,,
SAT 11 (Scholastic Assessment Test), High School 8, Harmful and Detrimental
Synonyms for lacerate
Quiz categories containing lacerate
tear, mend, repair, heal