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How to pronounce informed (audio)
The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook

Dictionary definition of informed

Possessing knowledge, understanding, or awareness on a particular subject or issue.
"The doctor made an informed decision to change the treatment plan."

Detailed meaning of informed

It suggests that the individual has acquired relevant and accurate information, enabling them to make educated judgments, decisions, or opinions. An informed person is well-informed and knowledgeable, having accessed reliable sources, conducted research, or gained expertise in a specific area. Being informed implies being up-to-date, aware of current events, and having a comprehensive understanding of the context and facts surrounding a given topic. Informed decisions are based on careful consideration, critical thinking, and a thorough understanding of the available information. Being informed allows individuals to engage in meaningful conversations, contribute to discussions, and participate actively in various domains, such as politics, science, or personal affairs.

Example sentences containing informed

1. After an informed debate, the committee finally made a decision.
2. My informed guess is that the market will improve next quarter.
3. He made an informed choice to pursue a career in medicine.
4. Despite her informed opinion, the board decided against her proposal.
5. An informed citizen is essential for a healthy democracy.
6. She gave an informed critique of the movie based on its historical inaccuracies.

History and etymology of informed

The adjective 'informed' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'informare,' which is formed by combining 'in' (meaning 'in' or 'into') and 'formare' (meaning 'to shape' or 'to form'). Therefore, the etymology of 'informed' essentially means 'shaped by knowledge' or 'having information shaped into one's understanding.' Originally, it was associated with the idea of imparting knowledge or shaping someone's understanding. Over time, the term came to describe individuals who possess knowledge, understanding, or awareness on a particular subject or issue, reflecting their ability to have information molded into their cognitive framework, as we understand it in contemporary language.

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Further usage examples of informed

1. An informed consumer is more likely to make sustainable purchases.
2. His informed approach to investing has served him well over the years.
3. She is an informed traveler who researches every destination before visiting.
4. The informed electorate overwhelmingly voted for the referendum.
5. With his informed guidance, we navigated the complicated legal process with ease.
6. Being well-informed about current events is essential for making informed decisions.
7. The informed student aced the exam thanks to diligent studying.
8. Informed consumers tend to make more cost-effective purchases.
9. An informed voter researches candidates before casting their ballot.
10. Informed opinions are based on a foundation of knowledge.
11. The informed employee provided valuable insights during the meeting.
12. Staying informed about health trends can lead to a healthier lifestyle.
13. The informed traveler knew exactly where to find the best local cuisine.
14. Informed investors make strategic choices in the stock market.
15. Informed consent is a crucial aspect of medical procedures.
16. An informed perspective is often more well-rounded and nuanced.
17. Politicians should be well-informed about their constituents' needs.
18. Informed decision-making relies on accurate and up-to-date information.
19. The informed journalist investigated the story thoroughly.
20. Informed negotiation leads to mutually beneficial agreements.
21. Being well-informed can help you navigate complex legal matters.
22. Informed criticism is constructive and valuable for growth.
23. Informed choices are guided by facts rather than emotions.
24. The informed scientist made groundbreaking discoveries.
25. Informed parents prioritize their children's education.

knowledgeable, ignorant, uninformed, unaware

ACT 10 (American College Testing), High School 19, Knowledge and Wisdom




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