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Dictionary definition of inexplicable
Difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or justify.
"The accident was inexplicable and the cause is still unknown."
Detailed meaning of inexplicable
It is something that cannot be understood through reason or logic, and it defies explanation or understanding. Something that is inexplicable is often mysterious, and it can be a source of wonder or confusion. It is often used to describe events, phenomena, or behaviors that cannot be explained by science or reason, and that remain a mystery. Inexplicable can also be used to describe something that is illogical, contradictory, or irrational. It can also describe a feeling, a behavior or an action that is hard to understand or justify, even by the person who is experiencing or doing it. Inexplicable can be used to describe something that is beyond human comprehension or something that is mysterious, and we don't have the knowledge or capacity to understand it fully.
Example sentences containing inexplicable
1. The sudden disappearance of the ship was truly inexplicable.
2. His inexplicable behavior left everyone baffled and concerned.
3. The source of the mysterious sound remained inexplicable.
4. The rapid spread of the virus seemed inexplicable at first.
5. Her inexplicable talent for music amazed everyone who heard her play.
6. The inexplicable changes in the weather confounded meteorologists.
History and etymology of inexplicable
The adjective 'inexplicable' has its roots in Latin and can be dissected etymologically to reveal its meaning. It begins with the prefix 'in-' meaning 'not' or 'un-,' and the Latin word 'explicabilis,' which is derived from 'explicare,' meaning 'to explain' or 'to unfold.' Therefore, 'inexplicable' can be understood as 'not explainable' or 'unexplainable.' This etymology precisely mirrors its modern usage, where it describes something that is difficult or even impossible to understand, explain, or justify. The term underscores the sense of bewilderment or perplexity that arises when faced with phenomena or situations that defy rational or logical explanation.
Further usage examples of inexplicable
1. The surge in demand for the product was inexplicable to the company.
2. The loss of his favorite book was inexplicable to the avid reader.
3. The inexplicable joy she felt at that moment brought tears to her eyes.
4. The origin of the ancient artifact is still inexplicable to historians.
5. His inexplicable fear of heights prevented him from climbing mountains.
6. The inexplicable bond between the twins fascinated scientists.
7. The sudden drop in sales was utterly inexplicable to the marketing team.
8. Her inexplicable love for adventure led her to explore unknown lands.
9. The inexplicable coincidence of their meeting felt like destiny.
10. The inexplicable decision to close the park left visitors disappointed.
11. The inexplicable kindness of strangers warmed her heart.
12. The inexplicable beauty of the night sky left them in awe.
13. His inexplicable ability to predict the future was a source of wonder.
14. The inexplicable magic of the moment made it unforgettable.
15. The phenomenon was inexplicable and scientists were baffled by it.
16. He had an inexplicable ability to always know what was going to happen.
17. She had an inexplicable connection to nature and always felt at peace in the wilderness.
18. The disappearance was inexplicable and remains unsolved to this day.
19. He had an inexplicable talent for playing the guitar and had a natural ability for it.
20. She had an inexplicable fear of heights and could not go higher than a few feet off the ground.
21. The accident was inexplicable and the cause is still unknown.
22. He had an inexplicable knack for fixing things and was always able to repair whatever was broken.
23. She had an inexplicable love for the color pink and always wore it.
24. The phenomenon was inexplicable and could not be explained by any known laws of physics.
25. He had an inexplicable ability to remember even the most minute details.
26. She had an inexplicable talent for languages and was fluent in several.,,,
Suffix -able, Nuance and Precision, Adversity and Obstacle, Unclear and Uncertain
Synonyms for inexplicable
Quiz categories containing inexplicable
unexplainable, explainable, understandable, clear