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Dictionary definition of individuality

The unique and distinctive qualities, characteristics, and traits that distinguish one person from others.
"The school encouraged students to embrace their individuality and pursue their passions."

Detailed meaning of individuality

It encompasses a person's inherent sense of self, personal identity, and the expression of their own thoughts, beliefs, preferences, and actions. Individuality celebrates the notion that each individual possesses their own set of talents, perspectives, and experiences that shape their distinct personality and contribute to the rich tapestry of human diversity. It emphasizes the importance of self-expression, autonomy, and the freedom to pursue one's own path, free from excessive conformity or societal pressures. Individuality encourages the recognition and acceptance of differences among individuals, promoting a society that values and respects the diversity of human beings and their unique contributions to the world.

Example sentences containing individuality

1. Embracing one's individuality allows for personal growth and self-discovery.
2. Society should value and celebrate the individuality of each person.
3. She expressed her individuality through her unique sense of fashion.
4. His quirky personality showcased his individuality and made him stand out.
5. The artist's paintings reflected her creativity and individuality.
6. Each student's individuality was respected and nurtured in the inclusive classroom.

History and etymology of individuality

The noun 'individuality' is derived from the word 'individual,' which has its roots in Latin. 'Individual' originates from 'individuus,' a term formed by combining 'in,' meaning 'not,' and 'dividuus,' meaning 'divisible' or 'separable.' Therefore, the etymology of 'individuality' conveys the concept of the qualities and characteristics that make a person 'not divisible' or 'not separable' from others. It refers to the unique and distinctive traits, attributes, and qualities that distinguish one person from another. 'Individuality' emphasizes the idea that each person possesses a set of personal qualities and traits that make them unique, contributing to their distinct identity and personality. It underscores the importance of recognizing and celebrating the diversity and individual uniqueness of each person in society.

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Further usage examples of individuality

1. The company promoted a culture of individuality, encouraging employees to think outside the box.
2. He felt a sense of liberation when he embraced his true individuality.
3. Our individuality is what makes us special and sets us apart from others.
4. The book emphasized the importance of preserving individuality in a conformist society.
5. Celebrating diversity means recognizing and appreciating the individuality of every person.
6. Embracing one's individuality is key to personal growth and happiness.
7. Each individuality adds richness to the tapestry of human experience.
8. Society should celebrate the diversity of individuality in its members.
9. Personal style is a manifestation of one's unique individuality.
10. The pursuit of individuality often leads to creative innovation.
11. Nurturing individuality in children fosters self-confidence.
12. Freedom of expression is essential to preserving individuality.
13. Respecting each person's individuality promotes harmony.
14. Our individuality shines through our choices and actions.
15. The world is a mosaic of individuality waiting to be explored.
16. Cultural traditions can reflect the collective individuality of a group.
17. Social media can sometimes stifle genuine individuality.
18. True friends appreciate and support your individuality.
19. Education should encourage students to explore their individuality.
20. Personal development involves understanding one's own individuality.
21. In a world of conformity, stand out with your individuality.
22. Artistic expression often stems from a deep sense of individuality.
23. Don't be afraid to express your individuality through fashion.
24. The workplace benefits from the diverse individuality of its employees.
25. Traveling broadens horizons and enriches individuality.

uniqueness, conformity, uniformity, sameness

ACT 14 (American College Testing), High School 15, Admiration and Respect




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