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Dictionary definition of inclination
A tendency or disposition towards a particular action, idea, or feeling.
"He had an inclination towards teaching and became a professor."
Detailed meaning of inclination
It is a noun that implies a natural leaning or a bias towards something. An inclination is a feeling or attitude that makes someone more likely to think, feel or act in a certain way.
Inclination can be positive or negative, it can refer to a person's natural tendency to like or dislike something, or a willingness to engage or avoid certain activities or behaviors. For example, someone with an inclination towards music might enjoy listening to it, playing it or composing it, while someone with an inclination towards sports might enjoy playing or watching them.
Inclination can also refer to a general attitude or mindset that someone has, such as an inclination towards optimism, pessimism, or apathy. In this sense, it can be an attitude or a mindset that can shape one's perception of the world and how they react to it.
In general, inclination refers to a tendency or disposition towards a particular action, idea, or feeling, it implies a natural leaning or bias towards something, and it can be positive or negative.
Example sentences containing inclination
1. She had a strong inclination towards art from a young age.
2. My inclination is to go for a long walk when I need to clear my mind.
3. He had a natural inclination for mathematics and excelled in the subject.
4. The team's inclination to take risks paid off with a stunning victory.
5. Her inclination towards kindness and empathy made her a beloved friend.
6. I have an inclination to try new cuisines whenever I travel.
History and etymology of inclination
The noun 'inclination' has its etymological origins in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'inclinatio,' which comes from 'inclinare' (meaning 'to bend' or 'to lean'). In Latin, 'inclinatio' conveyed the idea of leaning or bending towards something, both in a physical and metaphorical sense. Over time, as the term transitioned into Old French and eventually into English, it retained its metaphorical sense, signifying a tendency or disposition toward a particular action, idea, or feeling, as if one were leaning in that direction. The etymology of 'inclination' effectively captures its historical association with the concept of leaning or bending metaphorically towards a particular choice or inclination, emphasizing its role as a noun used to describe one's natural tendency or disposition.
Further usage examples of inclination
1. The politician's inclination towards diplomacy helped ease tensions between the nations.
2. The child's inclination towards curiosity led to a love for exploration and discovery.
3. His inclination to procrastinate often hindered his productivity.
4. She had a strong inclination to help others and volunteered regularly.
5. The artist's inclination towards abstract expressionism was evident in her paintings.
6. My inclination is to believe in the inherent goodness of people.
7. The company's inclination towards innovation set it apart from its competitors.
8. His inclination towards adventure led him to climb the highest mountains in the world.
9. The scientist's inclination towards research resulted in groundbreaking discoveries.
10. I have an inclination to surround myself with books and immerse myself in literature.
11. The child's inclination towards music was nurtured through piano lessons.
12. The company's inclination towards sustainability was reflected in its eco-friendly practices.
13. Her inclination towards organization and attention to detail made her an excellent project manager.
14. The professor's inclination towards intellectual debates sparked engaging classroom discussions.,,,
TOEFL 1, Discipline and Self-Control, Choices and Decisions, Morality and Influence
Synonyms for inclination
Quiz categories containing inclination
tendency, aversion, dislike, disinclination