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Dictionary definition of forgo
To willingly give up or abstain from something, typically by choice or as a result of a conscious decision.
"They chose to forgo the expensive vacation and save money instead."
Detailed meaning of forgo
When someone decides to forgo a particular thing, they voluntarily choose to do without it or refrain from partaking in it. This action often implies a deliberate sacrifice or relinquishment, whether it be a physical object, an experience, a privilege, or an opportunity. Forgoing can be motivated by various reasons, such as personal preferences, principles, financial considerations, or the pursuit of a higher goal. It requires exercising self-discipline and the ability to resist temptation or immediate gratification in favor of a more significant or long-term benefit. For example, an individual might forgo dessert to maintain a healthy diet, forgo a vacation to save money, or forgo a promotion to prioritize family time. By forgoing certain things, individuals can demonstrate willpower, prioritize their values, or make trade-offs for the sake of personal or collective well-being.
Example sentences containing forgo
1. She decided to forgo dessert to stick to her diet.
2. He had to forgo attending the party due to a work commitment.
3. The team decided to forgo their day off to meet an important deadline.
4. I will forgo buying new clothes this month to allocate funds for charity.
5. They agreed to forgo their inheritance in favor of donating it to a charitable organization.
6. The athlete had to forgo participating in the race due to an injury.
History and etymology of forgo
The verb 'forgo' is derived from Old English, where it was known as 'forgan' or 'for-gān.' In Old English, 'for' meant 'completely' or 'thoroughly,' and 'gān' meant 'to go' or 'to move.' Therefore, 'forgo' originally meant to completely go without or to abstain from something entirely. Over time, its meaning evolved to describe the act of willingly giving up or abstaining from something, typically by choice or as a result of a conscious decision. When one chooses to 'forgo' something, they are making a deliberate choice to do without it. The etymology of 'forgo' underscores its historical connection to the idea of making a conscious decision to abstain or do without, emphasizing the voluntary nature of such choices and the determination to forgo certain pleasures or actions.
Further usage examples of forgo
1. She decided to forgo the extra hour of sleep to study for the exam.
2. They opted to forgo the convenience of a car and instead bike to work.
3. The company had to forgo hiring new employees due to budget constraints.
4. He chose to forgo the opportunity to travel and instead focus on building his career.
5. They will forgo the luxury of eating out to cook meals at home and save money.
6. She decided to forgo dessert to maintain her diet.
7. I'll forgo the shopping spree to save money.
8. He chose to forgo the party and stay home.
9. We agreed to forgo the annual family reunion.
10. To save time, I'll forgo the lengthy introduction.
11. They opted to forgo the expensive vacation.
12. She had to forgo sleep to meet the deadline.
13. He'll forgo the luxury car for a more practical one.
14. To reduce waste, let's forgo single-use plastics.
15. We decided to forgo the traditional wedding ceremony.
16. He'll forgo the promotion for a better work-life balance.
17. She's willing to forgo personal comfort for a cause.
18. They'll forgo meat for a month to try vegetarianism.
19. To promote health, they forgo sugary snacks.
20. He'll forgo his usual coffee for herbal tea.
21. Let's forgo the movie and have a quiet night in.
22. She'll forgo the extra work for some relaxation.
23. They'll forgo technology during their digital detox.
24. He decided to forgo social media for mental clarity.
25. To simplify life, they forgo excess material possessions.,,
SAT 17 (Scholastic Assessment Test), Choices and Decisions, Renunciation and Suspension
Synonyms for forgo
Quiz categories containing forgo
abstain, indulge, embrace, partake