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Dictionary definition of extremity
The outermost or farthest point of something, such as a limb or a geographical location.
"The hurricane hit the southern extremity of the country with full force."
Detailed meaning of extremity
It can also refer to the state of being in a desperate or critical situation, as in the phrase 'in extremity'. When used to describe a limb, extremity typically refers to the hands or feet, although it can also refer to the arms or legs. In geography, extremity can refer to a remote or isolated area, such as the northern extremity of a country. In terms of a critical situation, extremity refers to a state of extreme urgency or danger, often requiring immediate action to prevent a disastrous outcome. Overall, extremity conveys a sense of being at the very limit or edge of something, whether it be physical, geographic, or existential.
Example sentences containing extremity
1. The hiker's frostbitten extremities required medical attention.
2. The athlete suffered a serious injury to his lower extremity.
3. The climber carefully balanced on the extremity of the rocky outcropping.
4. The town was located at the northern extremity of the state.
5. The shipwrecked sailors were in extremity and desperate for rescue.
6. The spider was found lurking in the extremity of the dark corner.
History and etymology of extremity
The noun 'extremity' has an etymology that can be traced back to Latin. It originates from the Latin word 'extremitas,' which is formed from 'extremus,' meaning 'outermost' or 'farthest,' derived from 'ex,' signifying 'out of,' and 'tremere,' meaning 'to tremble' or 'to shake.' In its original Latin form, 'extremity' was used to describe the outermost parts of something, such as the farthest points of a geographical location or the ends of a physical limb. This notion of being at the outermost limits or edges of something has persisted in the English language. When we use 'extremity' today, we are referring to the outermost or farthest point of an object, body part, or place, emphasizing the idea of being situated at the very edge or extremity of a given context.
Further usage examples of extremity
1. The soldier suffered severe frostbite in his extremities during the winter campaign.
2. The endangered species was only found in the westernmost extremity of the country.
3. The workers wore protective gear to prevent injury to their extremities on the job.
4. The airplane flew perilously close to the extremities of the mountain range.
5. The explorers reached the southernmost extremity of the continent after months of trekking.
6. His fingers tingled in the cold at the extremity of the mountain.
7. The surgeon carefully examined the patient's extremity before surgery.
8. The village was located at the extremity of the winding road.
9. She wore gloves to protect her extremities from the biting cold.
10. The hiker reached the extremity of the forest, feeling both awe and isolation.
11. He noticed a small insect crawling on the extremity of the leaf.
12. The extremity of her leg had a scar from an old injury.
13. The coastline's extremities were marked by rugged cliffs.
14. The soldier's uniform had patches on the extremities of the sleeves.
15. The boat reached the extremity of the river, where it met the open sea.
16. Her fingers were numb from exposure to the extremities of winter.
17. The explorer planted a flag at the extremity of the uncharted territory.
18. He felt a sharp pain in the extremity of his foot.
19. The artist painted intricate details on the extremities of the mural.
20. The wildlife sanctuary was located at the extremity of the national park.
21. The island's extremities were known for their stunning landscapes.
22. She carefully applied sunscreen to protect the extremities of her skin.
23. The ship sailed to the extremities of the Arctic Circle.
24. The climber's gear included ropes and hooks for the extremities of the mountain.
25. The extremity of the peninsula was a popular destination for birdwatchers.,,
ACT 5 (American College Testing), Boundaries and Limits, Extremes and Pinnacles
Synonyms for extremity
Quiz categories containing extremity
edge, center, middle, core