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How to pronounce express (audio)
The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook

Dictionary definition of express

To convey or communicate thoughts, feelings, or ideas in a clear and understandable manner.
"Marion used her poetry to express her deepest emotions and innermost thoughts."

Detailed meaning of express

When someone expresses themselves, they articulate their emotions, opinions, or desires using various means such as words, gestures, facial expressions, or artistic forms like writing, painting, or music. Expressing oneself allows for self-expression and the sharing of one's inner world with others. It involves the ability to effectively communicate one's thoughts and emotions, enabling meaningful connections and understanding between individuals. By expressing ourselves, we can connect with others, express our creativity, assert our individuality, and foster empathy and mutual understanding in various personal, social, or professional contexts.

Example sentences containing express

1. She will express her thoughts during the meeting.
2. Please express your concerns in writing.
3. He wants to express his gratitude for their support.
4. The artist uses colors to express emotions in their paintings.
5. Can you express your opinion on the matter?
6. The singer uses music to express their innermost feelings.

History and etymology of express

The verb 'express' has its etymological origins in the Latin word 'expressus,' which is the past participle form of the verb 'exprimere.' 'Exprimere' is a compound of 'ex-' meaning 'out' and 'primere' meaning 'to press' or 'to squeeze.' This etymology encapsulates the core meaning of 'express' as the act of conveying or communicating thoughts, feelings, or ideas by squeezing or pressing them out in a clear and understandable manner. The prefix 'ex-' signifies an outward movement, and 'primere' emphasizes the idea of pressing or bringing forth. Therefore, 'express' embodies the concept of articulating and making something clear, rooted in its Latin roots where it denoted the act of bringing forth or squeezing out thoughts, emotions, or ideas for effective communication.

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Further usage examples of express

1. They will express their love through heartfelt gestures.
2. The poet uses words to express the beauty of nature.
3. She will express her disappointment with the outcome.
4. The actor's facial expressions perfectly express the character's emotions.
5. Can you express the instructions in a clearer way?
6. He struggles to express his true feelings.
7. The dancer uses body movements to express the story.
8. The speaker will express their views on the topic.
9. They want to express solidarity with the protest.
10. The writer uses metaphors to express complex ideas.
11. She will express her joy through a celebratory dance.
12. Can you express the concept in simpler terms?
13. The comedian uses humor to express social commentary.
14. They will express their support through a public statement.

articulate, suppress, withhold, conceal

Interaction and Articulation, Middle School 5, Expression and Communication




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