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Prefix en-, TOEFL 1, Passion and Pulchritude, Excitement and Enthusiasm




eagerness, apathy, indifference, disinterest

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How to pronounce enthusiasm (audio)

Dictionary definition of enthusiasm

A strong and intense passion, eagerness, or excitement towards a particular activity, cause, or idea.
"She approached her new job with enthusiasm, excited about the opportunities it would bring."

Detailed meaning of enthusiasm

It is a state of mind characterized by genuine and wholehearted interest, energy, and zeal. When someone possesses enthusiasm, they display a heightened level of motivation and positivity, often exuding contagious enthusiasm that can inspire and motivate others. Enthusiasm is often accompanied by a sense of optimism, drive, and a willingness to invest time and effort in pursuing one's passions. It fuels determination, perseverance, and a proactive approach to achieving goals. Whether it is a personal hobby, a professional endeavor, or a social cause, enthusiasm propels individuals to approach tasks with joy and dedication, enabling them to overcome challenges and find fulfillment in their pursuits. It is the spark that ignites inspiration and propels individuals towards meaningful achievements.

Example sentences containing enthusiasm

1. Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she shared her latest adventure.
2. The teacher's enthusiasm for the subject was contagious, making the class eager to learn.
3. Despite the rain, the fans showed unwavering enthusiasm for their favorite team.
4. His enthusiasm for cooking led him to experiment with new flavors and ingredients.
5. The child's enthusiasm for the playground knew no bounds as she giggled and played.
6. The artist painted with such enthusiasm that every stroke seemed to come alive on the canvas.

History and etymology of enthusiasm

The noun 'enthusiasm' finds its etymological origins in the Greek word 'enthousiasmos,' which was formed by combining 'en,' meaning 'in,' and 'theos,' meaning 'god' or 'divine.' In ancient Greece, 'enthusiasmos' originally referred to a divine inspiration or possession by a god. It was believed that individuals were imbued with extraordinary fervor and inspiration when they were divinely inspired or possessed. Over time, the term evolved to encompass a more general sense of intense passion, eagerness, or excitement towards a particular activity, cause, or idea. This etymology underscores the idea that enthusiasm is a kind of inner fire or divine spark that ignites a person's intense devotion and fervor for something they are deeply passionate about.

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Further usage examples of enthusiasm

1. She tackled the project with enthusiasm, determined to make it a success.
2. The speaker's enthusiasm filled the room, captivating the audience from start to finish.
3. The hiker's enthusiasm for nature was evident in the way he marveled at every tree and flower.
4. The entrepreneur's enthusiasm for his business idea was infectious, attracting investors and customers alike.
5. With great enthusiasm, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
6. The team's enthusiasm for the upcoming competition was palpable as they trained rigorously.
7. The child's face lit up with enthusiasm when she saw the ice cream truck approaching.
8. Her enthusiasm for reading led her to devour books one after another.
9. The volunteer's enthusiasm for helping others was commendable and inspiring.
10. The musician performed with such enthusiasm that the crowd couldn't help but dance along.
11. The CEO's enthusiasm for innovation drove the company to new heights of success.
12. The athlete's enthusiasm for the sport motivated him to push his limits and achieve greatness.
13. The young entrepreneur's enthusiasm for technology propelled her to start her own successful startup.
14. The teacher's enthusiasm for history made the subject come alive, captivating the students.

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