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Dictionary definition of emerge
To come forth, appear, or become visible after being hidden, concealed, or submerged.
"Around dusk, nocturnal animals emerge from their hiding places to hunt."
Detailed meaning of emerge
It signifies the process of emerging or rising to the surface, whether it's physically, metaphorically, or figuratively. When something or someone emerges, it implies a transition from a state of obscurity, invisibility, or potentiality to a state of prominence, clarity, or actuality. It can describe a gradual or sudden appearance, highlighting a transformation, development, or revelation. "Emerge" often conveys the notion of coming into view, rising to prominence, or becoming known or recognized after a period of growth, change, or evolution. It suggests the manifestation of something previously unseen, the disclosure of new information, or the outcome of a process that leads to visibility or significance.
Example sentences containing emerge
1. When spring arrives, colorful flowers emerge from the ground.
2. After the meeting, the executives emerge from the boardroom and share the decisions made.
3. Once the movie is over, people slowly emerge from the cinema, discussing the plot.
4. From the thick fog, a ship suddenly emerged, surprising everyone at the harbor.
5. As the crisis unfolds, new heroes emerge to help those in need.
6. With the increase in data availability, new patterns in consumer behavior emerge.
History and etymology of emerge
The verb 'emerge' has its etymological roots in Latin. It is derived from the Latin word 'emergere,' which is a combination of 'ex,' meaning 'out of,' and 'mergere,' meaning 'to dip' or 'to plunge.' 'Emergere' originally referred to the act of coming forth or rising to the surface, particularly in the context of something becoming visible after being submerged or concealed underwater. Over time, the term 'emerge' transitioned into English, retaining its sense of something coming into view or appearing after having been hidden, concealed, or submerged. It is a word that often conveys a sense of revelation or emergence from obscurity, and it is frequently used to describe events, ideas, or objects that become apparent or noticeable, highlighting the idea of resurfacing or coming out into the open.
Further usage examples of emerge
1. In heated debates, the most skilled speakers often emerge as leaders.
2. As the snow melts, hiking trails emerge in the mountains.
3. In the detective novel, unexpected clues emerge that make the story more complex.
4. After the magician's trick, a rabbit emerged from the hat.
5. Every year, young talented athletes emerge and revitalize the sports community.
6. New opportunities often emerge from unexpected places.
7. She watched the flowers emerge from the soil in spring.
8. The truth will eventually emerge, no matter what.
9. Innovative ideas often emerge during brainstorming sessions.
10. The stars begin to emerge as the night grows darker.
11. He patiently waited for the facts to emerge in the case.
12. Unexpected challenges can emerge at any moment.
13. The first signs of spring emerge with blossoming flowers.
14. The hero will emerge victorious in the end.
15. Markets fluctuate, and new trends emerge constantly.
16. Hidden talents can emerge when faced with adversity.
17. The solution to the problem will emerge with time.
18. Emerging technologies are shaping our future.
19. A smile can make even in the darkest moments emerge.
20. The butterfly will soon emerge from its cocoon.
21. Leaders often emerge during times of crisis.
22. A sense of calm can emerge after a storm.
23. The truth may take time to emerge, but it always does.
24. From uncertainty, clarity can emerge with patience.,,,
Prefix em-, Inquiry and Insight, Middle School 12, Direction and Change
Synonyms for emerge
Quiz categories containing emerge
appear, vanish, disappear, recede