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How to pronounce downcast (audio)
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Dictionary definition of downcast

Appearing dejected, disheartened, or in low spirits, often characterized by a visibly sad or gloomy expression and posture.
"The team was downcast after losing the championship game."

Detailed meaning of downcast

When a person is described as downcast, it implies that they are feeling discouraged or emotionally defeated, with their head and gaze typically directed downward. This term conveys a sense of disappointment or despondency, indicating that the individual is going through a difficult or disheartening period. For example, someone who receives bad news or faces a series of setbacks may appear downcast, reflecting their mood of discouragement. "Downcast" underscores the idea of a visible and pronounced state of emotional lowliness or sadness.

Example sentences containing downcast

1. His downcast eyes revealed the weight of disappointment as he shuffled away.
2. She walked with a downcast demeanor after the rejection, shoulders slumped.
3. The downcast students needed encouragement to lift their spirits.
4. His downcast gaze hinted at hidden sorrow, like a cloud over his soul.
5. The relentless rain left her feeling increasingly downcast as the day wore on.
6. The somber news of the loss made everyone appear downcast, heads bowed.

History and etymology of downcast

The adjective 'downcast' has its etymological origins in two components: 'down' and 'cast.' 'Down' is a word that signifies a lower position or direction, while 'cast' in this context is related to the Old English word 'cystan,' which means 'to throw' or 'to project.' Therefore, 'downcast' literally means 'thrown down' or 'directed downward.' In its figurative sense, 'downcast' describes someone who appears dejected, disheartened, or in low spirits, often characterized by a visibly sad or gloomy expression and posture. The etymology of 'downcast' underscores the imagery of one's spirits or countenance being figuratively 'thrown down' or directed towards a lower emotional state, highlighting the physical and emotional aspects of this term.

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Further usage examples of downcast

1. His downcast posture, back hunched and hands in pockets, spoke of inner turmoil.
2. She wore a downcast expression at the funeral, tears glistening in her eyes.
3. The crushing defeat left the team looking downcast, their dreams shattered.
4. Their downcast faces told a tale of defeat and dashed hopes.
5. A palpable downcast mood lingered in the room, as if sadness hung in the air.
6. The rejection letter left him feeling downcast and questioning his worth.
7. The downcast atmosphere outside, with heavy clouds, matched the gray mood inside.
8. Her downcast spirits needed a boost, a glimmer of optimism in a dark time.
9. The crushing failure left him with a downcast heart, struggling to find hope.
10. The downcast crowd yearned for inspiration, a reason to believe again.
11. He struggled to hide his downcast emotions, but his trembling lip betrayed him.
12. The downcast sunset mirrored his mood, casting a melancholic hue over the world.
13. The downcast hero found the strength to rise, determined to overcome adversity.
14. The downcast novel masterfully explored themes of despair and redemption.
15. His downcast expression showed that he was not in a good mood.
16. The student's downcast gaze suggested that he was struggling in class.
17. The downcast look on her face told me that something was wrong.
18. His downcast mood seemed to match the dreary weather outside.
19. The downcast tone of her voice conveyed a sense of disappointment.
20. She walked with a downcast posture, as if she was carrying a heavy burden.
21. The downcast atmosphere at the funeral was palpable.
22. His downcast eyes revealed his inner turmoil.
23. The downcast mood in the room was lifted by a sudden burst of laughter.
24. The child's downcast expression showed that she was feeling left out.
25. The downcast silence between them was uncomfortable.

dejected, uplifted, cheerful, optimistic

TOEFL 11, Discomfort and Distress, Sadness and Misery




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