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The Complete Vocabulary Builder Workbook by BETTER WORDS R. B. Skinner
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How to pronounce disappointed (audio)

Dictionary definition of disappointed

Feeling let down, frustrated, or dissatisfied due to unfulfilled expectations, hopes, or desires.
"The student felt disappointed after receiving a lower grade than expected."

Detailed meaning of disappointed

When someone is disappointed, they experience a sense of sadness or disillusionment because something or someone did not meet their anticipated standards or outcomes. It conveys a feeling of emotional deflation or letdown that arises when expectations are not met or when a desired outcome fails to materialize. 'Disappointed' reflects a sense of loss or dissatisfaction, often accompanied by a range of negative emotions such as sadness, frustration, or even anger. It signifies a gap between what was expected or desired and the actual reality or outcome, resulting in a feeling of letdown or discontentment. 'Disappointed' acknowledges the emotional response to unmet expectations and serves as an expression of being dissatisfied or disheartened by the outcome or situation at hand.

Example sentences containing disappointed

1. She was disappointed when her favorite band canceled their concert.
2. He couldn't hide his disappointed expression when he didn't get the promotion.
3. We were all disappointed by the ending of the movie; it didn't live up to the hype.
4. She was disappointed with the service at the restaurant; the food took too long to arrive.
5. They were disappointed to find out that the event had been postponed.
6. He felt disappointed when his team lost the championship game.

History and etymology of disappointed

The adjective 'disappointed' is formed by adding the suffix '-ed' to the word 'disappoint,' which in turn consists of the prefix 'dis-' and the verb 'appoint.' The prefix 'dis-' is rooted in Old French and signifies negation or reversal, while 'appoint' comes from the Latin 'appointare,' meaning 'to prepare' or 'to arrange.' Therefore, in its etymology, 'disappointed' conveys the idea of negating or reversing the state of being prepared or arranged in a way that fulfills one's expectations, hopes, or desires. It describes the feeling of being let down, frustrated, or dissatisfied due to unfulfilled expectations. The term underscores the contrast between what was anticipated and what was actually experienced, reflecting the complex emotions associated with disappointment.

Quiz: Find the meaning of the adjective disappointed:

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Further usage examples of disappointed

1. The child's face lit up with excitement, then turned disappointed when the ice cream fell on the ground.
2. We were disappointed by the lack of communication from our landlord regarding the maintenance issue.
3. She had high hopes for the new book, but she was disappointed by the plot.
4. He felt disappointed in himself for not reaching his personal goals.
5. The customer was disappointed with the quality of the product and requested a refund.
6. After the long wait, I felt disappointed when the concert was canceled last minute.
7. Her performance left me disappointed, as I expected better from her.
8. I was disappointed with the movie's ending; it felt rushed and unsatisfying.
9. The restaurant's food quality left me disappointed compared to the reviews.
10. Despite my efforts, I was disappointed by the lack of progress in the project.
11. I couldn't help but feel disappointed when my favorite team lost the game.
12. The delayed flight left passengers feeling tired and disappointed.
13. His promises were empty, and I ended up deeply disappointed in him.
14. She worked hard but still felt disappointed by the exam results.
15. The product's quality was so low that I was truly disappointed.
16. My high hopes for the weekend getaway were dashed, leaving me disappointed.
17. Despite practicing for weeks, I was disappointed by my performance on stage.
18. The broken promises from my friend left me feeling deeply disappointed.
19. I had expected more from the book, but it left me disappointed.
20. The software's constant crashes left users feeling frustrated and disappointed.
21. I felt disappointed when my dream job interview didn't go as planned.
22. Their lack of communication left me disappointed in our relationship.
23. The long-anticipated sequel to the movie turned out to be a big disappointment.
24. The company's decision to cut benefits left employees deeply disappointed.
25. I invested so much time in the project, and the outcome was a great disappointment.

TOEFL 2, High School 2, Emotions and Serendipity



dissatisfied, pleased, content, satisfied


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