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How to pronounce detachment (audio)

Dictionary definition of detachment

A state of emotional or physical distance from something or someone.
"The soldier's detachment from his emotions allowed him to complete his mission."

Detailed meaning of detachment

It is the act of separating oneself from a situation, often with the aim of achieving objectivity or perspective. Detachment can be a deliberate and conscious decision, or it can occur naturally as a result of circumstances. It can also refer to a lack of emotional involvement or interest in something, which can be either positive or negative. For example, a doctor may need to maintain a sense of detachment in order to make a clinical diagnosis without being influenced by personal emotions. Similarly, someone might adopt a sense of detachment in order to cope with a difficult situation, such as a breakup or a loss. Detachment can be a useful tool for maintaining mental and emotional balance, but it can also be a hindrance if taken to an extreme, causing a lack of connection with others or the world around us.

Example sentences containing detachment

1. Her detachment from the situation made it easier for her to make an objective decision.
2. I felt a sense of detachment as I watched the argument unfold.
3. His detachment from the situation was apparent as he calmly discussed the issue.
4. The therapist encouraged detachment as a way to manage stress.
5. The artist's detachment from the critics' opinions allowed her to create freely.
6. Her detachment from the group made her feel isolated and alone.

History and etymology of detachment

The noun 'detachment' has its etymology rooted in the Old French word 'detachier,' which means 'to unfasten' or 'to separate.' This Old French term is a combination of 'des,' meaning 'away from,' and 'atachier,' meaning 'to attach.' The etymology of 'detachment' essentially conveys the idea of unfastening or separating oneself from something, creating a state of distance or disconnection. In its broader sense, 'detachment' describes a state of emotional or physical distance from something or someone, emphasizing the act of unbinding or disengaging, whether it be from one's emotions, obligations, or attachments. This etymology underscores the concept of creating space or distance, both physically and emotionally, as a fundamental aspect of the term's meaning.

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Further usage examples of detachment

1. He needed to develop detachment from his material possessions to find inner peace.
2. The coach advised detachment from the outcome to reduce anxiety and focus on the process.
3. The journalist's detachment from the story helped her maintain impartiality.
4. His detachment from his family caused a rift between them.
5. The scientist's detachment from her hypothesis allowed her to analyze the results objectively.
6. His detachment from the situation allowed him to make objective decisions.
7. The soldier's detachment from home was evident in his letters.
8. She felt a sense of detachment from the bustling city life.
9. The artist's detachment from reality was reflected in his abstract paintings.
10. The therapist helped her achieve emotional detachment from past trauma.
11. The detachment of the astronaut from Earth was both awe-inspiring and isolating.
12. His detachment from the project surprised his colleagues.
13. The detachment of the hiker from civilization was liberating.
14. Her detachment from the gossip showed her maturity.
15. The detachment of the historian from bias was commendable.
16. He struggled with detachment from his old way of life.
17. The detachment of the surgeon during surgery was a testament to his focus.
18. Her detachment from material possessions brought her inner peace.
19. The detachment of the detective allowed him to solve complex cases.
20. The detachment of the pilot in emergencies was vital for safety.
21. His detachment from societal norms made him an unconventional thinker.
22. The detachment of the scientist led to groundbreaking discoveries.
23. She longed for detachment from the demands of modern life.
24. The detachment of the journalist from personal bias was admired.
25. His detachment from romantic relationships was a result of past heartbreak.

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aloofness, involvement, engagement, attachment


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