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Dictionary definition of despise
To have a strong feeling of intense dislike, scorn, or contempt towards someone or something.
"Many people despise the feeling of uncertainty that change often brings."
Detailed meaning of despise
When we despise someone or something, we hold them in low regard, viewing them with a deep sense of disdain or disgust. It signifies a profound aversion or revulsion, often accompanied by a judgment of inferiority or unworthiness. Despising implies a strong emotional response, where we reject, condemn, or reject the object of our contempt. It can stem from various reasons such as moral disagreement, perceived flaws, or a sense of superiority. To despise someone is to harbor strong negative emotions towards them, considering them unworthy of respect or admiration. Likewise, we may despise certain actions, ideologies, or qualities that we find morally objectionable or repugnant. The verb "despise" denotes a powerful and deeply rooted feeling of disdain, reflecting a strong rejection or repulsion towards someone or something.
Example sentences containing despise
1. I despise it when people don't respect each other's boundaries.
2. You'll despise the taste of this medicine, but it's necessary for your recovery.
3. We despise cruelty to animals, advocating instead for their fair treatment.
4. They despise any form of discrimination, championing equality in every sphere.
5. She warned me that I would despise the consequences of my rash decisions.
6. Let's not despise the humble beginnings; they are often the seed of great things.
History and etymology of despise
The verb 'despise' has its etymological origins in Latin and Old French. It can be traced back to the Latin word 'despicere,' formed from 'de,' meaning 'down from,' and 'spicere,' meaning 'to look.' In its original sense, 'despicere' meant to look down upon something with contempt or disdain. This notion of looking down upon something evolved into the idea of having a strong feeling of intense dislike, scorn, or contempt towards someone or something. As the term made its way into Old French as 'despire,' it retained this sense of disdain and contempt. Ultimately, 'despise' entered the English language with the same meaning, describing the act of harboring a strong feeling of intense dislike or contempt towards someone or something, emphasizing the negative and dismissive aspect of one's feelings.
Further usage examples of despise
1. I despise that attitude of yours; it's not conducive to a positive working environment.
2. Children should never despise learning, as knowledge is the key to success.
3. Do you despise the hot summers as much as I do?
4. It's surprising to see how many people despise pineapple on pizza.
5. We despise the notion that wealth is the only measure of success.
6. I despise the fact that we often judge books by their covers.
7. He should not despise others for their shortcomings; everyone has their own strengths.
8. Some people despise the city's hustle and bustle, preferring the serenity of the countryside.
9. Despite its popularity, I just can't help but despise this TV show.
10. They despise hypocrisy, yet they are unaware of their own contradictory behavior.
11. You might despise the journey now, but you'll appreciate it once you reach the destination.
12. To despise someone's culture is to disregard the richness of human diversity.
13. It's easy to despise others' choices without understanding their reasons.
14. She couldn't help but despise the dishonesty in his actions.
15. Many people despise cruelty towards animals.
16. He couldn't hide the fact that he truly despised his coworker.
17. They despise the corruption within the political system.
18. I despise how he always belittles others to feel superior.
19. She couldn't help but despise the taste of the bitter medicine.
20. Some people despise the constant noise in the city.
21. He despises anyone who tries to manipulate him.
22. The professor despised plagiarism in any form.
23. They despise the way he treats his employees unfairly.
24. She couldn't hide her feelings and openly despised his arrogance.,,
Disdain and Contempt, Repugnance and Revulsion, Disapproval and Disrespect
Synonyms for despise
Quiz categories containing despise
loathe, adore, cherish, admire